Personal information
Jocimar Caiafa Milagre is a PhD student in Forest Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and a student in the Special Undergraduate Program for Teacher Training at the same institution. His doctoral research is conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Nutrition (Fisioplant/UFSM) and focuses on the responses of native Atlantic Forest species to abiotic stresses associated with climate change.
He holds a Bachelor's degree in Forest Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), with a study-abroad period at the University of Lisbon (Portugal), and a Master’s degree in Forest Engineering from UFSM (2023). His master’s research was conducted at the Center for Studies and Research in Recovery of Degraded Areas (Neprade/UFSM) and focused on the impact of degradation on the floristic composition and carbon stock of grasslands and riparian forests in the Pampa biome. He also holds a teaching certificate in Biological Sciences (2022) and a postgraduate certificate in Environmental Management (2021) from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES).
Jocimar participated in the Forest Manager Preparation Program (PPGF 2015) at the Forest Research and Study Institute (IPEF) and the Potenciar Program at the Votorantim Group (2018). He worked as a forest engineer at Fibria S/A and Suzano S/A (2015-2019) and as an Agriculture teacher for children in rural schools (2020-2021).
He has published 10 scientific articles (8 in impact-factor journals), 5 book chapters, and 52 papers in conference proceedings. He is a peer reviewer for the scientific journals American Journal of Botany, Crop Protection, Scientia Forestalis, Ciência Florestal, Ciência e Natura, and Ecologia e Nutrição Florestal.
With experience in Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, he conducts research primarily focused on Ecosystem Ecology, Ecophysiology, and Restoration of Degraded Areas.