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Works (43)

Enhanced agricultural carbon sinks provide benefits for farmers and the climate

Nature Food
2024-09-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Stefan Frank; Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik; Petr Havlík; Esther Boere; Tatiana Ermolieva; Oliver Fricko; Fulvio Di Fulvio; Mykola Gusti; Tamas Krisztin; Pekka Lauri et al.
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Структура природних насаджень заповідних територій Українських Карпат та оцінка стовбурового запасу вуглецю

Наукові праці Лісівничої академії наук України
2022-12-29 | Journal article
Contributors: Mykola Korol; Olha Tokar; Mykola Gusti; Stepan Portakh; Bohdan Nagornyak; Vasyl Pryndak; Vitaly Zeman; Volodymyr Kramarets
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A review of successful climate change mitigation policies in major emitting economies and the potential of global replication

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Fekete, Hanna; Kuramochi, Takeshi; Roelfsema, Mark; den Elzen, Michel; Forsell, Nicklas; Hoehne, Niklas; Luna, Lisa; Hans, Frederic; Sterl, Sebastian; Olivier, Jos et al.
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Cost and attainability of meeting stringent climate targets without overshoot

Nature Climate Change
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Riahi, Keywan; Bertram, Christoph; Huppmann, Daniel; Rogelj, Joeri; Bosetti, Valentina; Cabardos, Anique-Marie; Deppermann, Andre; Drouet, Laurent; Frank, Stefan; Fricko, Oliver et al.
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Critical adjustment of land mitigation pathways for assessing countries' climate progress

Nature Climate Change
2021 | Journal article
Contributors: Grassi, Giacomo; Stehfest, Elke; Rogelj, Joeri; van Vuuren, Detlef; Cescatti, Alessandro; House, Jo; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; Rossi, Simone; Alkama, Ramdane; Vinas, Raul Abad et al.
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Оцінювання запасів вуглецю у фітомасі лісових насаджень заповідних територій Українських Карпат

Scientific Bulletin of UNFU
2021-11-25 | Journal article
Contributors: O. Ye. Tokar; M. M. Korol; M. I. Gusti
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Land-based implications of early climate actions without global net-negative emissions

Nature Sustainability
2021-10-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Tomoko Hasegawa; Shinichiro Fujimori; Stefan Frank; Florian Humpenöder; Christoph Bertram; Jacques Després; Laurent Drouet; Johannes Emmerling; Mykola Gusti; Mathijs Harmsen et al.
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Bridging the Gap between the Estimates of Forest Management Emissions from the National GHG Inventories and Integrated Assessment Models via Model–Data Fusion

2021-08-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Mykola Gusti; Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik; Fulvio Di Fulvio; Pekka Lauri; Nicklas Forsell
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Land-based climate change mitigation potentials within the agenda for sustainable development

Environmental Research Letters
2021-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Stefan Frank; Mykola Gusti; Petr Havlík; Pekka Lauri; Fulvio DiFulvio; Nicklas Forsell; Tomoko Hasegawa; Tamás Krisztin; Amanda Palazzo; Hugo Valin
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Agriculture and land use implications of early climate change mitigation efforts without reliance on net-negative emissions

2020-12-29 | Preprint
Contributors: Tomoko Hasegawa; Shinichiro Fujimori; Stefan Frank; Florian Humpenöder; Christoph Bertram; Jacques Després; Laurent Drouet; Johannes Emmerling; Mykola Gusti; Mathijs Harmsen et al.
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The Effect of Alternative Forest Management Models on the Forest Harvest and Emissions as Compared to the Forest Reference Level

2020-07-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Mykola Gusti; Fulvio Di Fulvio; Peter Biber; Anu Korosuo; Nicklas Forsell
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Global Woody Biomass Harvest Volumes and Forest Area Use Under Different SSP-RCP Scenarios

Journal of Forest Economics
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauri, Pekka; Forsell, Nicklas; Gusti, Mykola; Korosuo, Anu; Havlik, Petr; Obersteiner, Michael
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Impact of modelling choices on setting the reference levels for the EU forest carbon sinks: how do different assumptions affect the country-specific forest reference levels?

Carbon Balance and Management
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Forsell, Nicklas; Korosuo, Anu; Gusti, Mykola; Rueter, Sebastian; Havlik, Petr; Obersteiner, Michael
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Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonas, Matthias; Bun, Rostyslav; Nahorski, Zbigniew; Marland, Gregg; Gusti, Mykola; Danylo, Olha
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Contribution of the land sector to a 1.5 °C world

Nature Climate Change
2019-11-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Stephanie Roe; Charlotte Streck; Michael Obersteiner; Stefan Frank; Bronson Griscom; Laurent Drouet; Oliver Fricko; Mykola Gusti; Nancy Harris; Tomoko Hasegawa et al.
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The sensitivity of the costs of reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) to future socioeconomic drivers and its implications for mitigation policy design

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
2019-08-08 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Mykola Gusti
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Accounting for institutional quality in global forest modeling

Environmental Modelling & Software
2018 | Journal article
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Land-use futures in the shared socio-economic pathways

Global Environmental Change
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Popp, Alexander; Calvin, Katherine; Fujimori, Shinichiro; Havlik, Petr; Humpenoeder, Florian; Stehfest, Elke; Bodirsky, Benjamin Leon; Dietrich, Jan Philipp; Doelmann, Jonathan C.; Gusti, Mykola et al.
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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture without compromising food security?

Environmental Research Letters
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Frank, Stefan; Havlik, Petr; Soussana, Jean-Francois; Levesque, Antoine; Valin, Hugo; Wollenberg, Eva; Kleinwechter, Ulrich; Fricko, Oliver; Gusti, Mykola; Herrero, Mario et al.
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The marker quantification of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2: A middle-of-the-road scenario for the 21st century

Global Environmental Change
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Fricko, Oliver; Havlik, Petr; Rogelj, Joeri; Klimont, Zbigniew; Gusti, Mykola; Johnson, Nils; Kolp, Peter; Strubegger, Manfred; Valin, Hugo; Amann, Markus et al.
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Assessing the INDCs' land use, land use change, and forest emission projections

Carbon Balance and Management
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Forsell, Nicklas; Turkovska, Olga; Gusti, Mykola; Obersteiner, Michael; den Elzen, Michel; Havlik, Petr
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Dynamics of the land use, land use change, and forestry sink in the European Union: the impacts of energy and climate targets for 2030

Climatic Change
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Frank, Stefan; Boettcher, Hannes; Gusti, Mykola; Havlik, Petr; Klaassen, Ger; Kindermann, Georg; Obersteiner, Michael
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Spatially explicit assessment of roundwood and logging residues availability and costs for the EU28

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Di Fulvio, Fulvio; Forsell, Nicklas; Lindroos, Ola; Korosuo, Anu; Gusti, Mykola
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The benefits of investing into improved carbon flux monitoring

Cogent Economics & Finance
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Szolgayova, J.; Fuss, S.; Kaminski, T.; Scholze, M.; Gusti, M.; Heimann, M.; Tavoni, M.
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Linear optimization of forest management for dynamic recursive model

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
2015 | Journal article
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Towards harmonizing competing models: Russian forests' net primary production case study

Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Kryazhimskiy, Arkady; Rovenskaya, Elena; Shvidenko, Anatoly; Gusti, Mykola; Shchepashchenko, Dmitry; Veshchinskaya, Victoria
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Uncertainties in greenhouse gases inventories - expanding our perspective

Climatic Change
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Ometto, Jean P.; Bun, Rostyslav; Jonas, Matthias; Nahorski, Zbigniew; Gusti, Mykola I.
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Global bioenergy scenarios - Future forest development, land-use implications, and trade-offs

Biomass and Bioenergy
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Kraxner, Florian; Nordstrom, Eva-Maria; Havlik, Petr; Gusti, Mykola; Mosnier, Aline; Frank, Stefan; Valin, Hugo; Fritz, Steffen; Fuss, Sabine; Kindermann, Georg et al.
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Impacts of incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation on global species extinctions

Nature Climate Change
2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Strassburg, Bernardo B. N.; Rodrigues, Ana S. L.; Gusti, Mykola; Balmford, Andrew; Fritz, Steffen; Obersteiner, Michael; Turner, R. Kerry; Brooks, Thomas M.
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Projection of the future EU forest CO <sub>2</sub> sink as affected by recent bioenergy policies using two advanced forest management models

GCB Bioenergy
2012 | Journal article
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Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
2011 | Conference paper
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Comparison of preparatory signal analysis techniques for consideration in the (post-)Kyoto policy process

Climatic Change
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Jonas, Matthias; Gusti, M.; Jeda, W.; Nahorski, Z.; Nilsson, S.
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Spatial GHG inventory at the regional level: accounting for uncertainty

Climatic Change
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Bun, R.; Hamal, Kh; Gusti, M.; Bun, A.
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Terrestrial full carbon account for Russia: revised uncertainty estimates and their role in a bottom-up/top-down accounting exercise

Climatic Change
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Gusti, M.; Jonas, M.
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Towards a Sound REDD: Ensuring Globally Consistent Reference Scenarios and Safeguarding Sustainability Co-Benefits

Deforestation and Climate Change: Reducing Carbon Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Obersteiner, Michael; Rametsteiner, Ewald; Kraxner, Florian; McCallum, Ian; Aoki, Kentaro; Boettcher, Hannes; Fritz, Steffen; Gusti, Mykola; Havlik, Petr; Kindermann, Georg et al.
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On fair, effective and efficient REDD mechanism design

Carbon Balance and Management
2009 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Obersteiner; Michael Huettner; Florian Kraxner; Ian McCallum; Kentaro Aoki; Hannes Böttcher; Steffen Fritz; Mykola Gusti; Petr Havlik; Georg Kindermann et al.
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Investment under market and climate policy uncertainty

Applied Energy
2008 | Journal article
Contributors: Fuss, Sabine; Szolgayova, Jana; Obersteiner, Michael; Gusti, Mykola
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Modeling Afforestation and the Underlying Uncertainties

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus
2007 | Journal article
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Spatial GHG Inventory: Analysis of Uncertainty Sources. A Case Study for Ukraine

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus
2007 | Journal article
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Spatial inventory of greenhouse gases on regional level

Physics of Semiconductor Devices
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Bun, Rostylav; Hamal, Khrystyna; Gusti, Mykola; Bun, Andriy; Savchyn, Olga
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Three years of aircraft-based trace gas measurements over the Fyodorovskoye southern taiga forest, 300 km north-west of Moscow

Tellus Series B-chemical and Physical Meteorology
2002 | Journal article
Contributors: Ramonet, M; Ciais, P; Nepomniachii, I; Sidorov, K; Neubert, REM; Langendorfer, U; Picard, D; Kazan, V; Biraud, S; Gusti, M et al.
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Modeling afforestation and the underlying uncertainties

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Spatial GHG inventory: Analysis of uncertainty sources. A case study for Ukraine

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Peer review (30 reviews for 10 publications/grants)

Review activity for Carbon balance and management. (2)
Review activity for Cogent environmental science. (2)
Review activity for Diversity. (1)
Review activity for Forests. (2)
Review activity for Journal of environmental management. (6)
Review activity for Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change. (1)
Review activity for Nature geoscience. (1)
Review activity for One earth. (1)
Review activity for Regional environmental change. (1)
Review activity for Remote sensing. (13)