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I have a Ph. D degree in Biochemistry of the University of Sciences and Technology Lille 1 (2001). Since 2003, I'am Associate Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Artois (northern France). I'am lecturer in Licence (Biochemistry and Biology) and Master degrees where I teaches the agro-food sciences, enzymology, protein purification and characterization technologies, metabolisms (i) of fatty acids, (ii) nucleic acids, (iii) amino acids, the applied bio-informatics and mass spectrometry. I was during 8 years responsible of a professional Licence entitled "Biotechnology and engineering process applied to drinks".
After a thesis dedicated to the structural characterization of N- and O-glycannes of a blood-purified protein named inter-alpha-inhibitor, my research activities were dedicated during 10 years to the proteomic approach of the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) where I've been responsible of the setting-up of a proteomics plateform (spot picker, digester, LC-MS/MS, biomarker discovery robot and associated software) based on a MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics).
Since September 2013, he works in quality and safety of foods. He is co-leader of the team “Health benefit of protein hydrolysates and agro-food co-products: control of production, characterization and valorization” within the agro-food and biotechnology research institute named The BioEcoAgro Joint Cross-Border Research Unit. His main research activity is dedicated to the development and exploitation of proteomic/peptidomic and metabolomic tools for the control of the production, characterization and valorization of protein hydrolysates and agri-food co-products. Expert in mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS profiling, proteomics, peptidomics, metabolomics, LC-MS/MS, bioinformatics...). He is author of 60 scientific papers, 7 reviews, 3 chapters of book, 4 proceedings, more than 50 oral communications and contributor of 8 patents. He was guest editor of a special issue in Foods dedicated to the Application of Proteomics/Peptidomics in Foods and recently, he joint the board member of the journal Bioactives.
Keywords: Biochemistry, mass spectrometry, metabolomics, microorganisms, peptidomics, proteomics.