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Anna Malamou received a degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in 2007 from the National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.) in Greece and a Master of Science in Microsystems and Nanodevices in 2010 also from N.T.U.A. Moreover, in 2017 she received her PhD in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging mathematical and electromagnetic methods being a research associate at the Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Lab of School of Electrical & Computer Engineering of N.T.U.A. She has worked as a software engineer (2008) and an electrical engineer (2010) in various companies. She has also worked as an assistant lecturer in universities and colleges (NTUA, ASPETE, AMC). She joined European Dynamics in 2016 as an R&D consultant and has participated in several H2020 EU research projects (iBorderCtrl, BENEFFICE, SPACE-O, FORESIGHT). She is the author of several journal papers and co-author of two books. She is also a member at the technical chamber of Greece.