Personal information

Medical and Pharmaceutical Law


Employment (2)

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine: Kyiv, UA

2021-02-16 to present | Senior lecturer (The Department of Pedagogics Psychology Medical and Pharmaceutical Law)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lidiia Yurkovska

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education: Kyiv, UA

2016-01-05 to present | Senior lecturer (The Department of Pedagogics Psychology Medical and Pharmaceutical Law)
Source: Self-asserted source
Lidiia Yurkovska

Education and qualifications (2)

National Academy of Management: Kyiv, UA

1998-09-01 to 2004-03-26 | магістр з финансового менеджменту
Source: Self-asserted source
Lidiia Yurkovska

National Academy of Management: Kyiv, UA

1998-09-01 to 2003-07-08 | юрист
Source: Self-asserted source
Lidiia Yurkovska

Works (1)

Legal and ethical basis of the interaction of provisors (doctors) with public control subjects of the quality assurance of medicines at the stages of their sale and medical use

Farmatsevtychnyi zhurnal
2019-10-29 | Journal article
Contributors: L. H. Yurkovska; V. V. Krasnov; S. H. Ubohov
Source: check_circle