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United States


Education and qualifications (2)

University of California Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz, CA, US

2010-09-20 to 2020-03-02 | Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo

University of California Riverside: Riverside, CA, US

2009-09-20 to 2010-06-12 | M.S. in EE (Electrical Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo

Works (8)

Fundamentals of Power Allocation Strategies for Downlink Multi-User NOMA With Target Rates

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
2020-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jose Armando Oviedo; Hamid R. Sadjadpour
Source: check_circle

On the power allocation limits for downlink multi-user NOMA with QoS

IEEE International Conference on Communications
2018-05-20 | Conference paper


Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Leveraging edge caching in NOMA systems with QoS requirements

Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2018 15th IEEE Annual
2018-01-12 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Fair Power Allocation Approach to NOMA in Multi-user SISO Systems

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
2017 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo
Preferred source (of 3)‎

A New NOMA Approach for Fair Power Allocation

Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), 2016 IEEE Conference on
2016-04-10 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Opportunistic interference management: A new approach for multiantenna downlink cellular networks

Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Kiskani, M.K.; Wang, Z.; Sadjadpour, H.R.; Oviedo, J.A.; Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo via Scopus - Elsevier

Taking advantage of multiuser diversity and beamforming in wireless cellular networks

2015 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, ICNC 2015
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Oviedo, J.A.; Sadjadpour, H.R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo via Scopus - Elsevier

Taking advantage of multi-user diversity in OFDM systems

2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IWCMC 2013
2013 | Conference paper


Contributors: Oviedo, J.A.; Sadjadpour, H.R.; Guizani, M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Jose Armando Oviedo via Scopus - Elsevier