Personal information



Education and qualifications (1)

Cairo University Faculty of Agriculture: Cairo, EG

2009-03-09 to present | Assistant Lecturer (Food Science Department)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmed Baioumy

Works (7)

Impact of different drying treatments on the biochemical and antioxidant activity properties of Egyptian red beetroot

Food systems
2024-04-22 | Journal article
Contributors: E. A. Shehatta; S. H. Abo-Raya; A. A. Baioumy
Source: check_circle

<i>Salmonella enterica</i> species isolated from local foodstuff and patients suffering from foodborne illness: Surveillance, antimicrobial resistance and molecular detection

Theory and practice of meat processing
2023-07-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Z. A. AlShaheeb; Z. A. Thabit; A. G. Oraibi; A. A. Baioumy; T. G. Abedelmaksoud
Source: check_circle

Nile perch fish nuggets: Partial replacement of fish flesh with sesame hulls and sunroot — Quality assessment and storage stability

Theory and practice of meat processing
2023-04-03 | Journal article
Contributors: T. G. Abedelmaksoud; A. S. A. Shehata; M. A. M. Fahmy; M. E. Abdel-aziz; A. A. Baioumy
Source: check_circle

Quality properties and storage stability of beef burger as influenced by addition of orange peels (albedo)

Theory and practice of meat processing
2021-04-28 | Journal article
Contributors: A. A. Baioumy; T. G. Abedelmaksoud
Source: check_circle

Effect of using tiger nuts (Cyperus esculentus) on nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of beef burger

Bioscience Research
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Bobreneva, I.V.; Baioumy, A.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmed Baioumy via Scopus - Elsevier

Possibility of using quinoa seeds (chenopodium quinoa) in meat products and its impact on nutritional and organoleptic characteristics

Bioscience Research
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Baioumy, A.A.; Bobreneva, I.V.; Tvorogova, A.A.; Shobanova, T.V.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmed Baioumy via Scopus - Elsevier

Production and evaluation of low fat beef burger using the orange albedo as a partial fat replacer

8th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists, Proceedings
2014 | Conference paper


Contributors: Baioumy, A.A.; El-Akel, A.T.; El-Nikeety, M.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ahmed Baioumy via Scopus - Elsevier

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Food research international. (1)