Personal information

Morphodynamics, Open Channel Hydraulics, Flood Modelling , Geomorphological Survey , Particle Tracking Velocimetry, Fluvial Geomorphology , Debris Flow , Computational morphordynamics , Experimental morphodynamics, Hydrological Modeling


Tzu-Yin Kasha Chen currently works at the Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University. Tzu-Yin does research in Fluvial morphology, Morphodynamics and Hydrology. Their current project is 'Debris Fan Aggradation Modeling'. Her research interests include: 1. Debris fan and delta morphology, experimental studies, field survey, and computational modeling 2. Granular materials, experimental studies and computational modeling 3. Dam breach hydrology and morphology


Employment (2)

Simon Fraser University: Burnaby, CA

2023-04 to 2024-07 | Post Doctoral Researcher (School of Environmental Science & Geography)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tzu-Yin Kasha Chen

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, US

2022-09-01 to 2023-02-26 | Post Doctoral Researcher (St. Anthony Falls Laboratory)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tzu-Yin Kasha Chen

Education and qualifications (1)

National Taiwan University: Taipei, TW

2017-09-15 to 2022-09-30 | PhD (Civil Engineering)
Source: Self-asserted source
Tzu-Yin Kasha Chen