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During the first years of my career i acquired some skills and competencies on earth, and marine sciences. Marine palynology applied to deep sea, shelf and estuary cores is the main tool of my research and allows the detection of vegetation and climate changes in the terrestrial environmental realm in the past. The direct comparison between terrestrial and marine paleoclimatic indicators from the same record further permits the assessment of leads and lags of the different sub-systems to a given climate change and provides invaluable information for straightening out the causes/mechanisms of climate variability through the past. My research has been focussed in particular:
1-Abrupt climate variability during glacial periods in the North Atlantic region, in particular Heinrich Stadials (intense episodes of iceberg discharges in the North Atlantic;
2-long and short term climate variability during the last glacial-interglacial transition in eastern North Atlantic mid-latitudes;
3-long and short term climate variability during the present interglacial in the North Atlantic region (Iberian and French margins, eastern North America coast and Iceland);
4- Comparison of the present interglacial climate history with that from past interglacials free of human impact;
5- data-modelling comparison
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