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Plant physiology, Climate change, Metabolomics, Olive, Valorisation of byproducts, Biostimulants


Research interests
Plant Physiology: - Impact of climate change in central metabolic pathways, such as photosynthesis and carbon metabolism, and defense mechanisms of agricultural crops, - Responses and adaptation mechanisms of agricultural species to environmental challenges.
Research methodologies: physiological and biochemical analysis (photosynthetic reactions and growth, nutritional and oxidative status, antioxidant enzymes and metabolites), and molecular/omics tools (transcriptional analyses and metabolomics, such as liquid and gas chromatography).

Current research
- Understand plant adaptations to changing environments: physiology, metabolomics and gene expression;
- Impact of abiotic stress on olives composition and olive oil quality;
- Valorisation of agriculture by-products/wastes (e.g. olive leaves);
- Climate change mitigation strategies and sustainable development;
- The role of biostimulants as alleviators of abiotic stress.

Previous activity and current status:

- Since 12/2018 - Researcher at the Department of Life Science/University of Coimbra and Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE) – Science for People & the Planet .
Integrated researcher at the Centre for Functional Ecology and collaborator at the LAQV-Requimte/ Chemistry department/University of Aveiro.

- 2015 - 2018 - Post-doc fellowship by FCT (SFRH / BPD / 100865/ 2014): "AdaptOlive - Understanding olive adaptations to changing environments: physiology, metabolomics and gene expression". Supervisors: Dr. Conceição Santos, Dr. Artur Silva and Dr. Helena Freitas. University of Coimbra/CFE and University of Aveiro/QOPNA (Portugal);

- 2008-2015 - Post-doc fellowship by FCT (SFRH/ BPD/ 41700/ 2007): "Large scale micropropagation and acclimatization to field conditions of elms: evaluation of genetic variability and physiology". Supervisor: Dr. Conceição Santos, University of Aveiro and CESAM (Portugal);

- 2007 - Collaboration in a research project: "Influence of fire and clearing on the ecology of Tuberaria major" (POCI/BIA-BDE/56228/2004), Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria João Correia, University of Algarve (Portugal).

- 2002-2004 - Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftler Mitarbeiterin") in the "Botanische Institut", Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (Germany);

- 2001-2005 - PhD student at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brüggemann.

- 2000-2001 - Research Grant Holder (BIC) - project title: "Recovery of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism after the relief of water deficits" (POCTI/1999/AGR/36145). at the University of Algarve, Portugal; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria João Correia; University of Algarve (Portugal);

- 1994-2000 - University of Algarve, Biotechnology Engineering (5 years degree - "licenciatura");

Keywords : Climate Change; Plant Ecophysiology; Olea europaea; Metabolomics; Valorisation of by-products; Sustainability; Biostimulants

Author of more that 58 SCI papers (h index = 18), 2 book and 2 book chapters.

Supervision or Co-supervision of Post-Graduated Students:
- PhD thesis in Biology - 2 finished; 1 ongoing;
- MSc thesis: 12 finished;
- Post-graduate report: 15 finished.

Participation in projects:
- 2022 - 2025: "KIWIBOL - Looking Beyond KIWIfruit ESCA Complex to Define a PeptaiBOL-based Strategy to Disease Control". PTDC/ASP-PLA/2440/2021 LAQV/REQUIMTE Porto, University of Coimbra. Coordinator at Uni. Coimbra.
- 2012- 2015: "SuberStress - An integrated approach to identify stress-related regulatory genes in cork oak", PTDC/AGR-GPL/118505/2010. ITQB-Uni. of Lisbon; Uni. of Aveiro, IICT- Lisbon; Uni. of Algarve; Uni. of Minho. Coordinator at the Uni. of Aveiro.
- 2014 - 2015: "EXPLOCHAR: Exploring mechanisms of reducing drought and disease stress in eucalypt seedlings by applying biochar to soils", EXPL/AGR-FOR/0549/2013. UA-CESAM. Team member.
- 2011-2014: "ClimVineSafe-Short-term climate change mitigation strategies for Mediterranean vineyards", PTDC/AGR-ALI/110877/2009. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and University of Aveiro/CESAM. Coordinator at the Uni. of Aveiro.
- 2012-2014: Project R&D (QREN) between University of Aveiro and a private company "Valorização, melhoramento e conservação de genótipos de 3 espécies de Pinus e 2 híbridos", KLON, Inovative Technologies From Cloning, SA, Cantanhede. Team member.
- 2011-2013: "BIO.REM-Integrating multiple toxicological BIOmarkers in a phytoREMemediation assay of Pb and Cd contaminated sites". PTDC/AAC-AMB/112804/2009. University of Aveiro. Team member.
- 2011- 2013: "Ecophysiolyptus-Physiological and gene expression profiles for early selection of Eucalyptus globulus in a climate change context". PTDC/AGR-CFL/112996/2009. University of Aveiro.Team member.
- 12/2000 to 8/2001: "Recovery of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism after the relief of water deficits" (POCTI/36145/AGR/2000), University of Algarve, Portugal. Research Grant Holder.Team member.


Employment (3)

University of Coimbra: Coimbra, PT

2015 to present | Researcher (Ciências da Vida)
Source: Self-asserted source

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2015 to present | Researcher (Quimica)
Source: Self-asserted source

University of Aveiro: Aveiro, PT

2008 to 2015 | Researcher (Biology)
Source: Self-asserted source

Education and qualifications (2)

Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität: Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, DE

2001 to 2005 | PhD in Biology
Source: Self-asserted source

University of Algarve: Faro, PT

1994 to 2000 | Degree in Biotechnology Engineering (Licenciatura em Engenharia Biotecnológica)
Source: Self-asserted source

Funding (1)

Recovery of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism after the relief of water deficits

2000-12 to 2001-08 | Grant
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisboa, PT)


Source: check_circle

Peer review (119 reviews for 47 publications/grants)

Review activity for Acta physiologiae plantarum. (3)
Review activity for Agricultural water management. (2)
Review activity for Annals of botany. (1)
Review activity for Archives of agronomy and soil science. (1)
Review activity for BMC plant biology (1)
Review activity for Chemosphere. (1)
Review activity for Chemosphere. (1)
Review activity for Current research in biotechnology. (1)
Review activity for Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (3)
Review activity for Environmental and experimental botany. (2)
Review activity for Environmental and experimental botany. (9)
Review activity for Environmental science and pollution research international (2)
Review activity for Food chemistry. (2)
Review activity for Food research international. (1)
Review activity for Frontiers in plant science. (3)
Review activity for Heliyon. (2)
Review activity for Industrial crops and products. (6)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (1)
Review activity for International journal of molecular sciences. (1)
Review activity for Journal of crop health (1)
Review activity for Journal of food biochemistry. (1)
Review activity for Journal of hazardous materials. (1)
Review activity for Journal of hazardous materials. (1)
Review activity for Journal of plant growth regulation. (2)
Review activity for Journal of plant growth regulation. (2)
Review activity for Journal of soil science and plant nutrition. (1)
Review activity for Journal of the science of food and agriculture. (1)
Review activity for Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + [i.e. und] Technologie. (4)
Review activity for Molecules. (3)
Review activity for Photochemical & photobiological sciences. (1)
Review activity for Plant communications. (2)
Review activity for Plant physiology and biochemistry. (7)
Review activity for Plant physiology and biochemistry. (15)
Review activity for Plant physiology. (1)
Review activity for Plant science. (1)
Review activity for Plant stress. (8)
Review activity for Planta. (2)
Review activity for Planta. (5)
Review activity for Plants. (4)
Review activity for PloS one. (1)
Review activity for Science of the total environment. (4)
Review activity for Scientia horticulturae. (1)
Review activity for Scientia horticulturae. (3)
Review activity for Scientific reports. (1)
Review activity for Sustainability. (1)
Review activity for Water, air & soil pollution. (1)
Review activity for Water, air and soil pollution. (1)