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Research interests
Plant Physiology: - Impact of climate change in central metabolic pathways, such as photosynthesis and carbon metabolism, and defense mechanisms of agricultural crops, - Responses and adaptation mechanisms of agricultural species to environmental challenges.
Research methodologies: physiological and biochemical analysis (photosynthetic reactions and growth, nutritional and oxidative status, antioxidant enzymes and metabolites), and molecular/omics tools (transcriptional analyses and metabolomics, such as liquid and gas chromatography).
Current research
- Understand plant adaptations to changing environments: physiology, metabolomics and gene expression;
- Impact of abiotic stress on olives composition and olive oil quality;
- Valorisation of agriculture by-products/wastes (e.g. olive leaves);
- Climate change mitigation strategies and sustainable development;
- The role of biostimulants as alleviators of abiotic stress.
Previous activity and current status:
- Since 12/2018 - Researcher at the Department of Life Science/University of Coimbra and Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE) – Science for People & the Planet .
Integrated researcher at the Centre for Functional Ecology and collaborator at the LAQV-Requimte/ Chemistry department/University of Aveiro.
- 2015 - 2018 - Post-doc fellowship by FCT (SFRH / BPD / 100865/ 2014): "AdaptOlive - Understanding olive adaptations to changing environments: physiology, metabolomics and gene expression". Supervisors: Dr. Conceição Santos, Dr. Artur Silva and Dr. Helena Freitas. University of Coimbra/CFE and University of Aveiro/QOPNA (Portugal);
- 2008-2015 - Post-doc fellowship by FCT (SFRH/ BPD/ 41700/ 2007): "Large scale micropropagation and acclimatization to field conditions of elms: evaluation of genetic variability and physiology". Supervisor: Dr. Conceição Santos, University of Aveiro and CESAM (Portugal);
- 2007 - Collaboration in a research project: "Influence of fire and clearing on the ecology of Tuberaria major" (POCI/BIA-BDE/56228/2004), Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria João Correia, University of Algarve (Portugal).
- 2002-2004 - Research Assistant ("Wissenschaftler Mitarbeiterin") in the "Botanische Institut", Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main (Germany);
- 2001-2005 - PhD student at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brüggemann.
- 2000-2001 - Research Grant Holder (BIC) - project title: "Recovery of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism after the relief of water deficits" (POCTI/1999/AGR/36145). at the University of Algarve, Portugal; Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria João Correia; University of Algarve (Portugal);
- 1994-2000 - University of Algarve, Biotechnology Engineering (5 years degree - "licenciatura");
Keywords : Climate Change; Plant Ecophysiology; Olea europaea; Metabolomics; Valorisation of by-products; Sustainability; Biostimulants
Author of more that 58 SCI papers (h index = 18), 2 book and 2 book chapters.
Supervision or Co-supervision of Post-Graduated Students:
- PhD thesis in Biology - 2 finished; 1 ongoing;
- MSc thesis: 12 finished;
- Post-graduate report: 15 finished.
Participation in projects:
- 2022 - 2025: "KIWIBOL - Looking Beyond KIWIfruit ESCA Complex to Define a PeptaiBOL-based Strategy to Disease Control". PTDC/ASP-PLA/2440/2021 LAQV/REQUIMTE Porto, University of Coimbra. Coordinator at Uni. Coimbra.
- 2012- 2015: "SuberStress - An integrated approach to identify stress-related regulatory genes in cork oak", PTDC/AGR-GPL/118505/2010. ITQB-Uni. of Lisbon; Uni. of Aveiro, IICT- Lisbon; Uni. of Algarve; Uni. of Minho. Coordinator at the Uni. of Aveiro.
- 2014 - 2015: "EXPLOCHAR: Exploring mechanisms of reducing drought and disease stress in eucalypt seedlings by applying biochar to soils", EXPL/AGR-FOR/0549/2013. UA-CESAM. Team member.
- 2011-2014: "ClimVineSafe-Short-term climate change mitigation strategies for Mediterranean vineyards", PTDC/AGR-ALI/110877/2009. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and University of Aveiro/CESAM. Coordinator at the Uni. of Aveiro.
- 2012-2014: Project R&D (QREN) between University of Aveiro and a private company "Valorização, melhoramento e conservação de genótipos de 3 espécies de Pinus e 2 híbridos", KLON, Inovative Technologies From Cloning, SA, Cantanhede. Team member.
- 2011-2013: "BIO.REM-Integrating multiple toxicological BIOmarkers in a phytoREMemediation assay of Pb and Cd contaminated sites". PTDC/AAC-AMB/112804/2009. University of Aveiro. Team member.
- 2011- 2013: "Ecophysiolyptus-Physiological and gene expression profiles for early selection of Eucalyptus globulus in a climate change context". PTDC/AGR-CFL/112996/2009. University of Aveiro.Team member.
- 12/2000 to 8/2001: "Recovery of photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism after the relief of water deficits" (POCTI/36145/AGR/2000), University of Algarve, Portugal. Research Grant Holder.Team member.
Funding (1)