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Works (4)

Peculiarities of Frequency-Following Response in Healthy Individuals when Listening to Complex Sounds

I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald
2024-07-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Lyubov' B. Oknina; Andrey A. Slezkin; Yana O. Vologdina; Anna O. Kantserova; Ekaterina V. Strel'nikova; David I. Pitskhelauri
Source: check_circle

Mapping of cortical speech zones and arcuate tract in patients with gliomas of temporal lobe of left hemisphere (analysis of a series of 27 observations)

Russian journal of neurosurgery
2023-03-29 | Journal article
Contributors: V. Yu. Zhukov; S. A. Goryainov; S. B. Buklina; R. Afandiev; Ya. O. Vologdina; S. A. Maryashev; A. A. Ogurtsova; G. L. Kobyakov
Source: check_circle

Variants of Neuropsychological Syndrome and Stages of Genesis of A.R. Luria’s Concept of the Brain Organization of Mental Functions

Cultural-Historical Psychology
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Н.К. Корсакова; Я.О. Вологдина
Source: check_circle

Radicality of lateral ventricular neoplasms removal and risk factors of postoperative hemorrhagic complications

Russian journal of neurosurgery
2022-12-26 | Journal article
Contributors: S. A. Maryashev; G. V. Danilov; Yu. V. Strunina; A. V. Batalov; Ya. O. Vologdina; I. N. Pronin; D. I. Pitskhelauri
Source: check_circle