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Mohammed Albadrani, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Qassim Faculty
Head of Mechanical Engineering Department
Unizah, Qassim University
Expertise / Activities: it should be a short list Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering
Educational Background (school, degrees): La Trobe University – Ph.D. Sothern Methodist University – MS in Mechanical Engineering. Sothern Methodist University – MS in Civil Engineering. Qassim University – BS in Mechanical Engineering.
Research Interests: Plasticity, Elasticity, Computational Mechanics, Mechanical Properties, Mechanics of Materials, Finite Element Modeling, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Tensile Test Finite Element Analysis, Prediction, PLA Simulation SolidWorks 3D, Modeling 3D Printing, Eco-friendly materials and Polymers.
Mohammed Albadrani has served in various academic administrative (Head of Department, Director) and faculty positions for over 13 years. Areas of teaching include engineering, mechanics of materials, project management, and senior department project at the undergraduate level. He worked with accreditation NCAAA compliance/self-study projects at the school level and consultant in engineering for many companies.