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I am a former Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford, and the research, funded by Horizon2020, mainly concerned the activism of Kurdish migrant women in selected host European countries (France, Belgium, Sweden, Germany and the UK) in terms of their artistic and cultural practices.
I hold PhD in Kurdish Studies from the University of Exeter, having studied Kurdish artistic and literary narratives in Turkish Kurdistan and its European diaspora. I was also a Postdoctoral fellow in Oriental Studies at the University of Oxford where I also taught Kurdish to both students and academics for several years. Apart from several research posts at UK universities (Middlesex, Open, Manchester, City University of London, Oxford), I have undertaken a number of non-academic roles at Kurdish NGOs and women's and refugees’ organisations, including the Refugee Action Centre, involved ethnographic and creative qualitative/quantitative research on Kurdish women living in Europe and Kurdish regions.