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Works (2)

Analysis and Requirement Generation for Defense Intelligence Search: Addressing Data Overload through Human–AI Agent System Design for Ambient Awareness

2023-11-29 | Journal article | Investigation
Part of ISSN: 2079-8954
Contributors: Mark C. Duncan; Michael Miller; Brett Borghetti; Mark C. Duncan
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark C. Duncan
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Trust Management Approach to Satellite System Telecommanding Security

Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
2014-01-31 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2327-3097
Contributors: Mark C. Duncan; Kenneth M. Hopkinson; Eric D. Trias; Jeffrey W. Humphries
Source: Self-asserted source
Mark C. Duncan
Preferred source (of 2)‎