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Treatment and Healthy fitness


Full Name:Lina Sabah Matti Abdullah AbdoFareeda
Date of Birth: 12 October 1982
Religion: Christian
Martial statues :married
No. of children: N/A
Position :Professor
Academic Degree :Treatment + Fitness + Aerobics
Work Address: Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences / College of Basic Education / Al-Mustansiriya University.
University :Al-Mustansiriya University


Employment (1)

Mustansiriya University: baghdad, new baghdad, IQ

2006-05-10 to present | phd (Physical education and sports sciences sports تعريفات sport اسم an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. team sports such as baseball and soccer مرادفات: (competitive) game(s), physical recreation, physical activity, physical exercise, athletics, pastime a person who behaves in a good or specified way in response to teasing, defeat, or a similarly trying situation. go on, be a sport! فعل wear or display (a distinctive or noticeable item). he was sporting a huge handlebar mustache مرادفات: wear, have on, dress in, display, exhibit, show off, flourish, parade, flaunt 2 مزيد من التعريفات انظر أيضًا sport, water sports, outdoor sports, sports car, sports field, team sports, sports shop, sports event, winter sports, sports equipment, sports facilities ترجمات sports اسم أنشطة رياضية sports منافسات رياضية sports شذوذ abnormality, anomaly, aberration, exception, eccentricity, sports)
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

Education and qualifications (1)

Mustansiriya University: baghdad, new baghdad, IQ

2006 to present | phd (Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

Works (18)

The Effect of Rehabilitative Exercises in Improving (the range of motion, muscle strength, and the degree of pain) for Football Players After ACL Surgery

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
2024 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 26459094
Contributors: Hasan, B.B.; Matty, L.S.
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The Effect of Six Weeks of Therapeutic Exercises and Kinesio Tape (KT) in Reducing Pain and Increasing Flexibility and Muscle Strength for People with Low Back Pain

International Journal of Disabilities Sports and Health Sciences
2024 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 26459094
Contributors: Hasan, B.B.; Matty, L.S.; Rahi, M.L.
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 2)‎

The effect of rehabilitation exercises using elastic ropes of different resistances in improving the range of motion and muscle strength of patients with frozen shoulder joint

International Journal of Physiology, Health and Physical Education
2024-06-19 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2664-7265
Part of ISSN: 2664-7273
Contributors: Dr. Lina Sabah Matty
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

The effect of Aerozumba exercises on some components of health fitness and body image disturbance in obese women

International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Physical Education
2024-06-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2664-7281
Part of ISSN: 2664-729X
Contributors: Dr. Lina Sabah Matti
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

The effect of rehabilitative exercises with auxiliary tools in reducing the deformity of the knees of girls

Scientific Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
2023 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تأثير تمرينات تأهيلية في التخفيف من حدة تشوه سقوط الراس للأمام لتلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية

Journal of the college of basic education
2023-04-16 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تأثير برنامج رياضي غذائي على كمية الاوكسجين والمرونة نزلاء دار العطاء لرعاية المسنين

Journal of the College of Basic Education
2022 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تأثير تمرينات تأهيلية في التخفيف من حدة تشوه استدارة الكتفين لتلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية

Journal of the College of Basic Education
2022 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تأثير تمرينات وقائية في تحسين مرونة وقوة واتزان العضلات العاملة على مفصل الكاحل للنساء بأعمار 30-40 سنة

مجلة واسط للعلوم الریاضیة
2022 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

The effect of therapeutic exercises in the rehabilitation of women with lower back pain for working women of ages 35-45 years old

Wasit Journal Of Sports Sciences
2021 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تمرينات الإطالة بعد الايروبكس وتأثيرها في عضلات الطرف السفلي المصابة بالتشنج العضلي والارتياح النفسي للمتدربات بأعمار 30-40 سنة

journal of the college of basic education
2020 | Magazine article
Contributors: lina sabah
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

برنامج (بدني - مهاري) باسلوب المواجهة وتاثيره لبعض عناصر اللياقة البدنية والمهارات الهجومية بكرة السلة

المجلة العلمية للتربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة
2018-01-08 | Journal issue or edition
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تاثير استخدام تمرينات علاجية في التخفيف من الاثار الجانبية لتفلطح القدم

مجلة ابحاث الذكاء
2018-01-06 | Magazine article
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

تاثير تدريبات المقاومات المتنوعة في بعض القدرات البدنية والحركية وفق مؤشر كتلة الجسم للنساء

مجلة ميسان للدراسات الاكاديمية
2017-12-15 | Journal issue or edition
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

العلاقة بين مؤشرات الطاقة القلبية والحالة التدريبية للقلب وبعض القدرات البدنية للنساء المصابات بالسمنة

مجلة واسط للعلوم الانسانية
2017-10-17 | Journal issue or edition
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

Impact aerobic exercises associated with the music in the development of some motor skills

journal of the college of basic education
2014-01-01 | Journal issue or edition
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

The impact of the two methods of discovery-oriented teaching and the explanatory commentary in the development of some physical abilities and skills of basic ball flight

Journal of the gollege of basic education
2009-10-01 | Journal issue or edition
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

Effect of Aqua-aerobics in some health fitness components and relieve inflammation of the joints of the lower limbs

Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
lina sabah

Peer review (2 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. (2)