Personal information

No personal information available


Employment (2)

The Association for Safe Aseptic Practice: London, GB

2010-06-05 to present | Research and Development Director (Research and Practice Development)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Clare

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: London, GB

2004-02-07 to present | Practice Development Lead (Haematology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Clare

Education and qualifications (3)

Kings College London: London, GB

2009 to 2012 | Masters Health and Social Care Research (The Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care)
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Clare

University of Arkansas at Little Rock: Little Rock, AR, US

1994 to 1998 | BA
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Clare

Herefordshire College of Nursing & Midwifery: Hereford, GB

1987 to 1990 | RN
Source: Self-asserted source
Simon Clare

Works (1)

Letter to the editor regarding “Survey to explore understanding of the principles of aseptic technique: Qualitative content analysis with descriptive analysis of confidence and training”

American Journal of Infection Control
2020-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Simon Clare
Source: check_circle