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Works (5)

The effect of different blood groups on visual evoked potentials

European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: Mehmet Tahir Eski; Ahmet Yabalak; Halime Şahan; Alper Aziz Hüdai Ayaslı; Taha Sezer
Source: check_circle

Combination Therapy of Major Autohemotherapy and Ozonated Bagging in a Case Diagnosed with Buerger's Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans)

International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Research
2023-08-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Safa ÜNAL; Abdulkadir KAYA; Alper AYASLI; Bekir TUNCA
Source: check_circle

Effects of Smoking on Pattern Visual Evoked Potentials

Medical Records
2023-05-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Mehmet Tahir ESKİ; Ahmet YABALAK; Halime ŞAHAN; Alper AYASLI; Taha SEZER
Source: check_circle

Acute Onset Isolated Abducens Paralysis After Exposure to Arc Welding

Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports
2023-04-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Yıldız Değirmenci; Alper Ayaslı
Source: check_circle

Advanced MR imaging features of uncontrolled phenylketonuria in an adult patient

Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria
2023-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Alper Ayasli; Hayri Ogul; Omer Onbas
Source: check_circle