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Works (3)

weatherOz: An API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources in R

Journal of Open Source Software
2024-06-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Rodrigo Pires; Anna Hepworth; Rebecca O’Leary; Jonathan Carroll; James Goldie; Dean Marchiori; Paul Melloy; Mark Padgam; Hugh Parsonage; Adam H. Sparks
Source: check_circle

An Empirical Modelling and Simulation Framework for Fire Events Initiated by Vegetation and Electricity Network Interactions

2023-02-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Roy Wilson; Rohan Wickramasuriya; Dean Marchiori
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Meta-Analysis of Clinical Phenotype and Patient Survival in Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Microcephaly, Arthrogryposis, and Structural Brain Anomalies Due to Bi-allelic Loss of Function Variants in SMPD4

2022-10-10 | Preprint
Contributors: Dean Marchiori
Source: check_circle