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Research fellow in Peace & Conflict at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Conflict and Violence Research, Bielefeld University.


Works (5)

Courtroom Ethnography in the Context of Terrorism: A Multi-Level Approach

International Journal of Qualitative Methods
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicole Bögelein; Kerstin Eppert; Viktoria Roth; Anja Schmidt-Kleinert
Source: check_circle

Radical men and sympathizing women? Gendered constructions of agency in charges of terrorism in Germany

New Journal of European Criminal Law
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Kerstin Eppert; Viktoria Roth
Source: check_circle

UN Intervention Practices in Iraq. A Discursive Approach to International Interventions

2019-02-05 | Book
Source: Self-asserted source
Kerstin Eppert

Engaging with the “Threat”? Tracing De-Securitization Between UN Security Council and UN Missions.

Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention
2017 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-3-8487-4312-4
Source: Self-asserted source
Kerstin Eppert

UN-Missionen als Strukturen internationaler Interventionen: Organisationale Autonomisierungsprozesse aus weltgesellschaftstheoretischer Perspektive

Sonderheft PVS, Internationale Organisationen
2015 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-3-8487-0484-2
Source: Self-asserted source
Kerstin Eppert