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Employment (3)

Fundación Universitaria San Martín: Bogotá, CO

2024-07-22 to present | Docente Facultad de Ciencias de la salud sede Bogotá
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

Universidad Internacional De La Rioja: Bogotá, CO

2023-05-08 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

Hospital Militar Central: Bogota, CO

2015-07-06 to present | Magíster en Salud Pública (Bogotá D.C.)
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

Works (7)

Estimulación multisensorial y su efecto en el personal de salud que trabaja en áreas de covid-19: una prueba piloto

Salud Javeriana
2024-07-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos; Soraya Colina Matiz; Sonia Patricia Carreño Moreno; Paula Arbeláez Gutiérrez; Luis Salinas
Source: check_circle

Social robotics as an adjuvant during the hospitalization process in pediatric oncology patients

Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
2024-04-02 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0734-7332
Part of ISSN: 1540-7586
Contributors: Soraya Colina-Matiz; Juan Hernández Leal; John Carlos Ariza-Vargas; Olga Rocio Beltrán Higuera; Cielo Ovalle-Chaparro; Natalia Lucía González Suárez; Judith Medellin-Olaya; Nadia Carolina Reina-Gamba; Catalina Correa-Mazuera; Iliana De los Reyes Valencia et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

The Tale As an Intervention Instrument for Pediatric Cancer Patients

Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature
2024-01-30 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1918-6983
Contributors: Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos; Soraya Colina Matiz; Juan Hernández Lela; Paula Tatiana Muñoz-Vargas
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

Education by a social robot on nutrition and catheter care in pediatric oncology patients

Supportive Care in Cancer
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Juan Sebastián Lozano-Mosos; Juan Hernández Leal; Soraya Colina-Matiz; Paula Tatiana Muñoz-Vargas
Source: check_circle

Experience in the integration of a tale within the pediatric oncology environment

Journal of Psychosocial Oncology
2023-01-10 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0734-7332
Part of ISSN: 1540-7586
Contributors: Juan-S Lozano-Mosos; Soraya Colina-Matiz; Juan Hernandez Leal; Paula Tatiana Muñoz-Vargas; Diana Patricia Lemus Ortegón
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

Niveles de estrés, depresión y funcionalidad familiar en el personal de salud de un hospital durante la pandemia por COVID-19

Revista Peruana de Ciencias de la Salud
2022-07-20 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos

EP1.03-02 Frequency of Microsatellite Instability in Patients with Primary Non Small Lung Cancer in a Single Institution from Colombia

Journal of Thoracic Oncology
2019-10 | Conference poster
Part of ISSN: 1556-0864
Contributors: L. Pino; M. Mendoza; G. Saavedra; J. Lozano; C. Echevarria; J. Pino; F. Canro; M. Botero
Source: Self-asserted source
Juan Sebastian Lozano Mosos