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Dr. Matthew Fuller is Professor of Educational Leadership and Director of the Doctoral Program in Higher Education Leadership at Sam Houston State University. He is also the Director of the newly formed Center for Assessment, Research, and Educational Safety (CARES) at Sam Houston State University. Dr. Fuller has worked in higher education since the 1990s in a variety of administrative and professorial capacities. Dr. Fuller’s research interests focus on culture and leadership in educational organizations, threat assessment, law, behavioral intervention, and educational safety. Since 2005, he has served as the Principal Investigator of the Survey of Assessment Culture, an international, longitudinal survey of higher education faculty, administrators, and student affairs staff members’ perspectives on cultures of assessment. As Director of CARES, he leads a team of researchers in developing research on educational safety and threat assessment models. He is the PI on a statewide, census-style study of Texas educators’ needs pertaining to educational safety and victims’ services. Dr. Fuller has also advised policymakers on scholarly works and research into school and university safety, legal issues, the history of higher education, and financial aid policy. He has authored numerous books, monographs, and articles and presented on a variety of topics throughout his career.