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Monica Fdez Barciela received the M.Sc. degree in Physics (electronics specialty) from the Univ. of Santiago de Compostela (USC, Spain) in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree in Telecom. Eng. from the Univ. of Vigo (UVigo, Spain) in 1996. Her thesis research work was in millimeter-wave table-based nonlinear FETs models, partly performed at Fraunhofer-Institut (IAF, Germany). She joined UVigo Communications Technologies Dept. in 1990, first as a FPI grant PhD student, later as Assistant Prof. (1991) and Associate Prof. (1997) at Vigo School of Telecom. Eng. From July 2010 to Sept 2014 was vice-director of the Signal Theory and Communications Dept. (UVigo). Her main research interests are (non)linear characterization and modelling (compact & behavioral) of microwave devices and circuits and integrated circuit design for communications applications. An IEEE Senior Member, she was President of the IEEE Spanish Joint Chapter MTT-S and AP-S, AP003/MTT017, from Dec. 2017 to Dec. 2019.