Personal information

Geomatics, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Ground Penetrating Radar, Geographical Information Systems, Surveying, Heritage, Mapping, Geospatial, Artificial Vision, Robotics


Employment (4)

Universidad Europea del Atlántico: Santander, Cantabria, ES

2021-09-01 to present | Associate Professor
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

GIM Geomatics: Torrelavega, Cantabria, ES

2005-09-01 to present | R&D Manager
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, Cantabria, ES

2004-07-01 to 2005-09-01 | Research Grant Holder (Departamento de Ing. Geográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Cranfield University: Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, GB

2003-06-03 to 2004-09-10 | Grant Holder (Natural Soil Research Institute)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Education and qualifications (6)

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2015-09 to present | PhD in Industrial Technologies
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

PADI Foundation: Beverly Hills, CA, US

2015-10 to 2015-10 | OPEN WATER
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Escuela Europea de Negocios: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2006-09 to 2007-12 | Master on Business Administration (MBA)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Cranfield University: Cranfield, Central Bedfordshire, GB

2003-09 to 2004-09 | Msc in Geographical Information Management
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: Valencia, Valencia, ES

2001-10 to 2003-06 | Ingeniería en Geodesia y Cartografía (ETSIGCT )
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: Valencia, Valencia, ES

1998-09 to 2001-10 | Ingeniería Técnica en Topografía (ETSIGCT )
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Professional activities (8)

Asociación de Ingenieros en Geodesia y Cartografía: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2006-01 to present | Associated nº 121
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros técnicos en Topografía: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2005-09 to present | collegiate 6060
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Centros de Excelencia: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2019-12 | Quality Innovation Awards Finalist
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Actualidad Económica Magazine: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2018-11 | Premio a la empresa más Innovadora de Cantabria 2018.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio del Gobierno de España: Madrid, Madrid, ES

2007 | Finalista del concurso Emprendedor XXI en Cantabria
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Sociedad para el desarrollo regional de Cantabria (SODERCAN): Santander, Cantabria, ES

2006-11 | Tercer Premio del concurso de Empresas Innovadoras de Base Tecnológicas (EiBTs)
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Universidad de Cantabria: Santander, Cantabria, ES

2005-05-17 | III Premios al Emprendedor Universitario (COIE )
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Instituto Cartográfico de Catalunya: Barcelona, Barcelona, ES

2005-02-11 | Best research work of the last two years in the field of Geomatics
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Works (50 of 84)

Items per page:
Page 1 of 2

Methodology for the Monitoring and Control of the Alterations Related to Biodeterioration and Physical-Chemical Processes Produced on the Paintings on the Ceiling of the Polychrome Hall at Altamira

2024-11-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Alfredo Prada; Vicente Bayarri
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Tracking Moisture Dynamics in a Karst Rock Formation Combining Multi-Frequency 3D GPR Data: A Strategy for Protecting the Polychrome Hall Paintings in Altamira Cave

Remote Sensing
2024-10-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada; Francisco García; Carmen De Las Heras; Pilar Fatás
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Analysis of Pigment Migrations in Cave of Altamira’s Prehistoric Paintings

Remote Sensing
2024-06-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada; Francisco García; Carmen De Las Heras; Pilar Fatás
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Integrated Building Modelling Using Geomatics and GPR Techniques for Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Case Study of the Charles V Pavilion in Seville (Spain)

Journal of Imaging
2024-05-27 | Journal article
Contributors: María Zaragoza; Vicente Bayarri; Francisco García
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Geometric and radiometric recording of prehistoric graphic expression: the case of Peña Tu (Asturias, Spain)

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Luis Teira; Vicente Bayarri; Roberto Ontañón; Elena Castillo; Pablo Arias
Source: check_circle

Tracking the Evolution of Biodeterioration and Physico-Chemical Alterations Using Microphotogrammetric Techniques in the Altamira Cave

2024-01-16 | Conference paper
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A Multisensory Analysis of the Moisture Course of the Cave of Altamira (Spain): Implications for Its Conservation

Remote Sensing
2024-01-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada; Francisco García; Carmen De Las Heras; Pilar Fatás
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Geometric and Radiometric Recording of Prehistoric Graphic Expression: the case of Peña Tu (Asturias, Spain)

Research Square
2023 | Other


Contributors: Teira, L.; Bayarri, V.; Ontañón, R.; Castillo, E.; Arias, P.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

A Multimodal Research Approach to Assessing the Karst Structural Conditions of the Ceiling of a Cave with Palaeolithic Cave Art Paintings: Polychrome Hall at Altamira Cave (Spain)

2023-11-13 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada; Francisco García
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Integration of Remote-Sensing Techniques for the Preventive Conservation of Paleolithic Cave Art in the Karst of the Altamira Cave

Remote Sensing
2023-02-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Alfredo Prada; Francisco García; Lucía M. Díaz-González; Carmen De Las Heras; Elena Castillo; Pilar Fatás
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 4)‎

An Automatic Approach for Documentation and Recovery of Rupestrian Paintings using Multisperspectral Remote Sensing

2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri-Cayón; Elena Castillo-López; Jose Antonio Dominguez
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

La peña del castrejón (ojos albos, Ávlila). Representación de una danza milenaria

Cuadernos de Arte Prehistorico
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Sergio Ripoll; Vicente Bayarri; Luciano J. Municio; José F. Fabián; José Latova; Elena Castillo; Jesús Herrera
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Hands Stencils in El Castillo Cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain). An Interdisciplinary Study

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
2021 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 0079497X
Contributors: Ripoll, S.; Bayarri, V.; Muñoz, F.J.; Ortega, R.; Castillo, E.; Latova, J.; Herrera, J.; Moreno-Salinas, D.; Martín, I.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

Control of Laser Scanner Trilateration Networks for Accurate Georeferencing of Caves: Application to El Castillo Cave (Spain)

2021-12-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Elena Castillo; Sergio Ripoll; Miguel A. Sebastián
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 5)‎

Una propuesta cronológica para la Cueva de El Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria), basada en su estratigrafía iconográfica

BSAA arqueología
2021-04-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Sergio Ripoll López; Vicente Bayarri Cayón; Elena Castillo López; José Latova-Fernández Luna; Francisco J. Muñoz Ibáñez
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Improved Application of Hyperspectral Analysis to Rock Art Panels from El Castillo Cave (Spain)

Applied Sciences
2021-02-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Vicente Bayarri; Elena Castillo; Sergio Ripoll; Miguel A. Sebastián
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 4)‎

Anthropometric characterisation of palm and finger shapes to complement current glove-sizing systems

International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Vergara, Margarita; Agost, Maria-Jesus; Bayarri, Vicente
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Hyperspectral imaging techniques for the study, conservation and management of rock art

Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Bayarri, V.; Sebasti'n, M.A.; Ripoll, S.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 5)‎

New discoveries of pre-Magdalenian cave art in the central area of the Cantabrian region (Spain)

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
2019 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

New discoveries of pre-Magdalenian cave art in the central area of the Cantabrian region (Spain)

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
2019 | Journal article


Contributors: Ontañón, R.; Bayarri, V.; Castillo, E.; Montes, R.; Morlote, J.M.; Muñoz, E.; Palacio, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier
Preferred source (of 3)‎

Avance al estudio del registro gráfico paleolítico de la Cueva de Solviejo (Voto, Cantabria, España)

Cuadernos de Arte Prehistórico
2017-06 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Abrigo de El Cubular (Ruanales, Valderredible)

Después de Altamira. Arte y grafismo rupestre post-paleolítico en Cantabria
2016 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-84-608-5372-5
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

An Automatic Approach for documentation and recovery of rupestrian paintings using Multisperspectral Remote Sensing

Recent Advances in Mathematics and Computational Science
2016 | Journal article

Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Hoyo de la Gándara (Rionansa)

Después de Altamira. Arte y grafismo rupestre post-paleolítico en Cantabria
2016 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN: 978-84-608-5372-5
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

El Proyecto de Investigación: Elaboración de un Sistema Gestor para la protección, puesta en valor y divulgación de Arte Rupestre y Estaciones Prehistóricas (SIGAREP I y II)

2015 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Monitoring a Torsion Beam Test using Photogrammetric Techniques

Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón
Preferred source (of 6)‎

Promoting Socio-Economic Sustainable Development Through An Innovative Technological Tool

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars
2015-11 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 978-1-61804-349-8
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Promoting Socio-Economic Sustainable Development Through An Innovative Technological Tool

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars
2015-11 | Book chapter
Part of ISBN:

2227-4359 978-1-61804-346-7

Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Nueva ortoimagen verdadera del Techo de Polícromos de la Cueva de Altamira

ARKEOS | perspectivas em diálogo, nº 37.
2015-10 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

El Panel de las Manos de la Cueva de El Castillo (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria)

ARKEOS \textbar perspectivas em diálogo, nº 37. Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context
2015-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Nueva documentación y estudio del arte empleando técnicas hiperespectrales en la Cueva de Altamira

ARKEOS \textbar perspectivas em diálogo, nº 37. Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context
2015-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Nueva ortoimagen verdadera del Techo de Polícromos de la Cueva de Altamira

ARKEOS \textbar perspectivas em diálogo, nº 37. Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context
2015-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Integración de técnicas metrológicas y termográficas para el seguimiento y medición de la influencia de la temperatura en el movimiento del lienzo sur de la nave del crucero de la iglesia del antiguo convento de san luis en san vicente de la barquera (Cantabria)

2014 | Conference paper


Contributors: Bayarri Cayón, V.; Castillo López, E.; García-Moncó, J.M.; Calonge Diez, J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

Los nuevos algoritmos de procesado y tendencias en geometría computacional para la explotación y valoración de datos 3D

2014 | Conference paper


Contributors: Bayarri Cayón, V.; Castillo López, E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

Nuevos algoritmos de procesado y tendencias en geometría computacional para la explotación y valoración de datos 3D

Congreso Latinoamericano sobre patología de la construcción, tecnología de la rehabilitación y gestión del patrimonio: REHABEND 2014, Santander (España), 1-4 de abril de 2014
2014 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

The conservation of prehistoric caves in Cantabria, Spain

The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage - Selected papers from International Workshop on Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage, CSCH 2014
2014 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ontañon, R.; Bayarri, V.; Herrera, J.; Gutierrez, R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

The conservation of prehistoric caves in Cantabria, Spain

Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón
Preferred source (of 3)‎

The conservation of prehistoric caves in Cantabria, Spain

The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage
2014 | Book chapter
Part of DOI: 10.1201/b17570-22


Contributors: Ontañon, R.; Bayarri, V.; Herrera, J.; Gutierrez, R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón via Scopus - Elsevier

The conservation of subterranean cultural heritage

Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

The conservation of prehistoric caves in Cantabria, Spain

The Conservation of Subterranean Cultural Heritage.
2014-11 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Cuando fallan los BIM. Gestión en BIM no tradicional

2014-10 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

A millenary chorus line. The site of la Peña del Castrejón (Ávila, Spain)

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Analysis and interpretation of a parietal representation using advanced capture and data processing techniques: the anthropomorphic figure from Hornos de la Peña (Cantabria, Spain)

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Discrimination of pigments in different rock faces through their spectral signature

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

La Cueva de Cueto Grande (Miengo, Cantabria-España). Un nuevo conjunto de grabados paleolíticos en la región Cantábrica.

ARKEOS \textbar perspectivas em diálogo, nº 37. Symbols in the Landscape: Rock Art and its Context
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

Managing the climate of caves with rock-art through computerized modeling

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

New cartography and micro-cartography of Cave of Altamira

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

New documentation and art study in the walls room and red small room of the Cave of Altamira

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

New technologies applied to prehistoric rock art studies

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón

The sacred canyon. Rock art in the Duratón canyon (Segovia, Spain)

Session A11c: New solutions for old problems: The use of new technologies for the documentation and conservation of prehistoric art
2014-09 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Vicente Bayarri Cayón
Items per page:
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Peer review (292 reviews for 23 publications/grants)

Review activity for Agriculture. (3)
Review activity for Agronomy. (2)
Review activity for Applied sciences. (4)
Review activity for Buildings. (7)
Review activity for Cogent arts & humanities. (1)
Review activity for Crops. (3)
Review activity for Ecological indicators. (3)
Review activity for Electronics. (40)
Review activity for Energies. (2)
Review activity for Forests. (20)
Review activity for Geomatics. (3)
Review activity for Heritage. (6)
Review activity for Horticulturae. (3)
Review activity for ISPRS international journal of geo-information. (9)
Review activity for Journal of imaging. (5)
Review activity for Journal of marine science and engineering. (8)
Review activity for Journal of Mountain Science. (4)
Review activity for Land. (5)
Review activity for Open research Europe. (2)
Review activity for Remote sensing. (132)
Review activity for Sensors. (3)
Review activity for Smart cities. (3)
Review activity for Sustainability. (24)