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Works (7)

Distributed Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy System Considering Carbon-Green Certificate Trading Mechanism and Virtual Power Plant

2025 | Book chapter
Contributors: Yuxiang Xiao; Xiaoyang Tong
Source: check_circle

The Single-Ended Protection of Flexible HVDC Transmission Line Based on Traveling Wave Power Amplitude Ratios Using S-Transform

Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
2025-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoyang Tong; Zibin Zhao; Yabing Wang; Xingxing Dong
Source: check_circle

Robust Fault Location Method for Transmission Lines Using PMUs

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoyang Tong; Xingxing Dong; Sohail Manzoor; Yabing Wang; Zibin Zhao
Source: check_circle

Waveform Similarity-Based Robust Pilot Protection for Transmission Lines

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
2022-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Guangxiao Zhang; Xiaoyang Tong; Qiteng Hong; Campbell D. Booth
Source: check_circle

A Novel Fault Isolation Scheme in Power System With Dynamic Topology Using Wide-Area Information

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
2022-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Guangxiao Zhang; Xiaoyang Tong; Qiteng Hong; Xuemin Lu; Campbell Booth
Source: check_circle

A novel transmission line fault detection algorithm based on pilot impedance

Electric Power Systems Research
2020-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiaoyang Tong; Hao Wen
Source: check_circle

Unified optimal power flow model for AC/DC grids integrated with natural gas systems considering gas-supply uncertainties

Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy
2018-11-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Jiale FAN; Xiaoyang TONG; Junbo ZHAO
Source: check_circle