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Works (4)

A Roadmap toward the Thematic Design of Plasmonic Field Effect Transistors: Crossing the Milestones

Advanced Optical Materials
2023-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Hirak Chatterjee; Sudip Kumar Pal; Dorothy Bardhan; Deejan Debnath; Sujit Kumar Ghosh
Source: check_circle

Photothermal Reshaping of One-Dimensional Plasmonic Polymers: From Colloidal Dispersion to Living Cells

ACS Omega
2022-04-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Dorothy Bardhan; Hirak Chatterjee; Debarun Sen; Mahuya Sengupta; Sujit Kumar Ghosh
Source: check_circle

Correlated Rod-like Nanostructures: One Rule to Rule Them All

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
2021-09-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Hirak Chatterjee; Dorothy Bardhan; Sudip Kumar Pal; Sujit Kumar Ghosh
Source: check_circle

Plasmonic Sensing: Connecting the Dots

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2021-05-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Hirak Chatterjee; Dorothy Bardhan; Sudip Kumar Pal; Keiji Yanase; Sujit Kumar Ghosh
Source: check_circle