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Dr. Bernard's research centers on understanding the mechanisms that initiate carcinogenesis, particularly those influenced by external risk factors such as diet, obesity, and environmental exposures. Her laboratory has made significant discoveries, including dentifying that dysfunctional visceral adipose tissue releases fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2), which can stimulate the malignant transformation of non-tumorigenic cells and demonstrating that intra-abdominal (visceral) fat can promote carcinogenesis in both in vitro models and animal models of high-fat diet-induced obesity by releasing FGF2 and activating FGFR1. The Bernard Lab aims to identify specific mechanisms of obesity-promoted cancer, with a focus on visceral fat inflammation. They are exploring the translational relevance of FGF2 as a biomarker for adiposity-associated cancer risk. Additionally, the lab is interested in screening for new compounds, including natural products, that target these pathways for chemoprevention.
Works (32)