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Laurent Li, PhD, is graduated in 1984 from the Department of Meteorology, University of Nanjing, China. He got his Ph.D degree in 1990 from University of Paris 7, France, in the field of climate modelling. His post-doc research on cloud-radiation interaction was supported by the French space agency (CNES) from 1990 to 1991. In 1991, he was recruited by the French national centre for scientific research (CNRS) as a research scientist (Charge de recherche). He became Senior Scientist ("Directeur de recherche") at CNRS in 2006. He obtained the supervisorship for Ph.D students (HDR: "Habilitation a diriger la recherche") from the University of Paris 6 in 2002. He is now working on Earth climate in LMD ("Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique") in Paris. He is team leader of the regional climate and Mediterranean climate inside LMD and IPSL ("Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace", a federation of several Parisian laboratories on environmental issues). The research activities of L. Li cover a large spectrum of climate and environmental resources, including atmospheric general circulation, coupling of ocean and atmosphere, scale interaction in the climate system, and impacts of climate change. He is author or co-author of more than 200 publications in these fields. L. Li has experiences in several European Union (EU) research projects, ECCLOUD (role of clouds in climate), SIDDACLICH (climate change projection), SINTEX (scale interaction in climate system), METRIC (climate effects of man-made short-living gases), and French national programmes, PNEDC (climate dynamics) and GICC (impact and management of climate change). He was, in particular, the scientific coordinator of the MedWater project devoted to climate downscaling in the Mediterranean region and impacts of climate change on the regional atmospheric circulation and hydrology. He was sub-project leader of two EU climate projects devoted respectively to the Mediterranean region (CIRCE) and Eastern Europe (CLAVIER). L. Li has experiences on Sino-French cooperative researches and he was coordinator of a few Sino-French research projects on climate modelling (Institute of Atmospheric Physics / Chinese Academy of Sciences, First Institution of Oceanology / State Ocean Administration, and Peking University). He got a research fellowship from the China Meteorological Administration in 2007 and a cooperative grant of climate modelling from the National Science Foundation of China in 2009. L. Li is visiting professor at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology since 2011. L. Li has also experiences in scientific cooperation with scientists in South America, mainly Brazil and Argentina.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
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MEDSENS - 19-CE01-0019-02