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Works (2)

Avoiding initial hypothermia does not improve liver graft quality in a porcine donation after circulatory death (DCD) model of normothermic perfusion

2019-08-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan J. Nostedt; Akshay Chauhan; Tom Churchill; Sunita Ghosh; Aducio Thiesen; Jessica Hopkins; Mackenzie C. Lees; Benjamin Adam; Darren H. Freed; A. M. James Shapiro et al.
Source: check_circle

Normothermic Ex Vivo Machine Perfusion for Liver Grafts Recovered from Donors after Circulatory Death: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

HPB Surgery
2018-04-23 | Journal article
Contributors: Jordan J. Nostedt; Daniel T. Skubleny; A. M. James Shapiro; Sandra Campbell; Darren H. Freed; David L. Bigam
Source: check_circle