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Works (6)

A Framework for Differential Privacy Against Timing Attacks

2024-12-02 | Conference paper
Contributors: Zachary Ratliff; Salil Vadhan
Source: check_circle

"I inherently just trust that it works": Investigating Mental Models of Open-Source Libraries for Differential Privacy

Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
2024-11-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Patrick Song; Jayshree Sarathy; Michael Shoemate; Salil Vadhan
Source: check_circle

Small-Space Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling

ACM Transactions on Computation Theory
2024-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Dean Doron; Jack Murtagh; Salil Vadhan; David Zuckerman
Source: check_circle

Complexity-Theoretic Implications of Multicalibration

2024-06-10 | Conference paper
Contributors: Sílvia Casacuberta; Cynthia Dwork; Salil Vadhan
Source: check_circle

Concurrent Composition for Interactive Differential Privacy with Adaptive Privacy-Loss Parameters

2023-11-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Samuel Haney; Michael Shoemate; Grace Tian; Salil Vadhan; Andrew Vyrros; Vicki Xu; Wanrong Zhang
Source: check_circle

Don’t Look at the Data! How Differential Privacy Reconfigures the Practices of Data Science

2023-04-19 | Conference paper
Contributors: Jayshree Sarathy; Sophia Song; Audrey Haque; Tania Schlatter; Salil Vadhan
Source: check_circle