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Bibliography written the 27th of August 2018:
Marc Chaumont is Assistant Professor, HDR Hors-Classe, at the LIRMM Montpellier, and does his teaching at the University of Nîmes.
Marc CHAUMONT ( was born in November 1976, in France. He received his Engineer Diploma in Computer Sciences at the INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) of Rennes, France in 1999 and his Ph.D. in Computer Sciences at the IRISA Rennes (INRIA, CNRS, University of Rennes 2, and INSA) in 2003. His Ph.D. thesis was about video object representations, with dynamic coding and scalability functionalities, in the video compression area. He has carried on for one year its research activity at the INRIA Rennes and for one another year at the University Technological Institute of Bayonne, France as a Visiting Assistant Professor. During this last year, he focused on face tracking using a deformable 3D face model. In September 2005, he joined the LIRMM (Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotic and Microelectronic) of Montpellier and the University of Nîmes as Assistant Professor.
Marc CHAUMONT is an assistant professor, "HDR - Hors-Classe" in Computer Science at the University of Montpellier and Nîmes, France, based in the LIRMM laboratory. He is an international expert in steganography and more generally in image and video processing which he applies to a wide range of domains such as multimedia security (steganography, digital forensics, watermarking, video & image compression), segmentation, and tracking in videos, life and environmental sciences. He obtained the "HDR" diploma (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) in 2013. His collaborators in the security are academics and government agencies. His collaborators in the environment include The Marine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation Laboratory (MARBEC), Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Astrophysics and Cosmology laboratory (Centre de physique des particules de Marseille), Montpellier Hydro Sciences Lab, and Berger-Levrault.
Since 2002, Marc CHAUMONT has published over 57 conference papers (in computer science, conferences are equivalent to a letter in a journal and are reviewed), 8 journal papers, and 4 open-access book chapters. He is in the International Advisory Committee of the open-access journal International Image Processing and Visual Communication, and a reviewer for more than 20 journals (e.g., IEEE Transaction on Image Forensics and Security, IS&T Journal of Electronic Imaging, IET Information Security Journal, EURASIP Journal On Information Security ...), and more than 10 conferences (e.g., IEEE WIFS, ACM IH&MMSec, IEEE ICIP, IEEE ICASSP, ...). Since 2007 he has reviewed more than 285 articles (conference or journal), which averages over the period from January 2007 to December 2017, to 28 papers reviewed per year.
Marc CHAUMONT is an elected member of the IEEE Signal Processing - Information Forensics Security - Technical Committee ( since 2015 from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He has participated in 2 national and 1 European (PO FEDER-FSE) interdisciplinary projects in image processing and is at the moment in 1 European (FEAMP 2017), in 1 National (ANR-Astrid DGA 2018), and 1 Local project (MUSE 2018). He has supervised 7 Ph.D. and 2 engineers students, and currently supervising 5 Ph.D.
Additionally, Marc CHAUMONT is co-responsible of the Computer-Science part of the Licence "Mathematique " of the Nîmes University since September 2009. He is president of the jury of the L3 and member of the jury of L2. He is responsible for 4 teaching modules. He also has supervised 26 M2 students. He was a member of the Scientific council from the University of Nîmes from 2011 to 2012, a member of the expert pool of Montpellier from 2008 to 2013, and a member of the Scientific council of the LIRMM from 2014 to 2015. His list of publications is available at