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Filippo Mazzoni is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Water Systems Group of the University of Ferrara (Italy). He received his M.Sc. Degree in Civil Engineering in 2018 and his Ph.D. Degree in Civil Engineering in 2023 presenting the thesis “Analysis and characterization of residential and non-residential water consumption at different levels of spatio-temporal detail”. During his Master’s and Ph.D. Programme, he was involved in international research activities at the Centre for Water Systems (Exeter, United Kingdom) and the KWR Water Research Institute (Nieuwegein, Netherlands). Since 2021 he has been teaching assistant in the course of Water Distribution System Management for the Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering (Hydraulic Engineering Curriculum). His research is mainly focused on water distribution systems, with specific reference to the topics of water consumption monitoring and analysis, methods for water end-use disaggregation and classification, the determinants of water consumption determinants, and water-demand modelling. He was granted with the certificate of excellence for the project entitled “A Pragmatic Approach for Leakage Detection Based on the Analysis of Observed Data and Hydraulic Simulations” (presented in the “Battle of the Leakage Detection and Isolation Methods” international contest 2020) and the best-solution award for the project entitled “Rehabiliting Intermittent Water Supply Systems through a Multi-Objective Optimization Method Based on Hydraulic Simulations” (presented in the “Battle of Intermittent Water Supply”, 2022). Filippo is also involved in several technical agreements with local agencies (AcegasApsAmga, BIM GSP, CADF S.p.A., Hera S.p.A.).