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Dr. Virginia H. Dale is a Corporate Fellow in the Environmental Sciences Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and was selected as the 2006 Distinguished Scientist for the Laboratory. She is Director of ORNL’s Center for BioEnergy Sustainability ( She obtained her M.S. in mathematics from the University of Tennessee and her Ph.D. in mathematical ecology from the University of Washington. Her primary research interests are environmental decision making, forest succession, land-use change, landscape ecology, ecological modeling, and sustainability of bioenergy systems. Virginia has authored 10 books and more than 220 published articles. She has served on national scientific advisory boards for five federal agencies (the Environmental Protection Agency, US Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, and Interior). She recently served on the committee of the US National Research Council on Renewable Fuel Standard: Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of U.S. Biofuel Policy. Virginia was Editor-in-Chief of the journal Environmental Management for 13 years and still serves on the editorial board of several journals.