Personal information
Prof. Dr. Raad Z. Homod was born in Ad Dayr Village, Basra City, in 1969. He received a B.Sc. degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Basrah, Iraq; He worked as a project engineer on the development of HVAC control in Libya. He later completed his M.Sc. from UM and PhD from UNITEN, Malaysia. During this period he gained practical experience in energy and intelligent control of HVAC. He is currently the head of the department of petroleum and gas engineering at the University of Basrah. From 1991 to 1993, worked as an apprentice engineer with Military Engineering, from 1994 to 1996, worked as a senior engineer with private companies, and from 1997 to 2006, he was a senior lecturer with the Sebha Vocational Intermediate Centre, Sebha, Libya, from 2007 to 2010, he was a demonstrator and tutor with the UM, Malaysia, from 2010 to 2012, he was a research assistant with the UNITEN, Malaysia. Since 2013, he has been the head of the department of petroleum and gas engineering at the University of Basrah. He is the author of three books and more than 30 articles, and He has been awarded 6 prizes. His research interests include nonlinear systems analysis, optimal control, process control, neural networks, HVAC system, energy efficiency, buildings model, and modelling sensor with Fuzzy logic.