Personal information
BORN - Warsaw, Poland; Gender – female
DEGREES - M. Sc. University of Warsaw, 1976; Ph. D. -1986; D.Sc. – 2005.
Permanent faculty, Nencki Institute; Assistant Prof. - since 1988; Associate Prof. – since 2005
Polish Neuroscience Society (PTBUN) – member since 1992
Member of Society for Neuroscience – since 2008
RESEARCH INTEREST is devoted to neural substrates of spatial memory (allothetic and /or idiothetic) and cognition, and their functions, in standard and pathology (lesion; neurodegeneration; administration of NMDAR’s antagonists) of the brain in rats. In these studies a role of hippocampus and retrosplenial cortex are considerate. Memory and cognition processes have been studied in different variants of the behavioral spatial place avoidance method in rats. To image changes in the brain activation when rats learned a spatial tasks in allo- and/or idiothetic conditions, functional mapping by c-Fos staining are perform in intact and lesioned rats. All behavioral, histochemical and immunohistochemiacl methods give us a chance to made a progress in understanding how the nervous system functions in standard and pathology.
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (3)
Professional activities (6)
Funding (5)
Polsko-Czeski projekt na wymianę naukową (współwykonawca)
MNiSW Polsko-Czeska umowa bilateralna (kierownik)
UMO-2013/11/N.NNZ4/02198 (opiekun naukowy)
8165/B/P01/2011/40 (kierownik)
3117/B/P01/2007/33 3P04C (kierownik)