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Works (3)

Gravimetric and morpho-structural analyses in the superhot geothermal system Los Humeros: an example from central Mexico

Geothermal Energy
2024-03-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Natalia Cornejo-Triviño; Domenico Liotta; Luigi Piccardi; Andrea Brogi; Michal Kruszewski; M.A Perez-Flores; Jonathan Carrillo; Philippe Calcagno; Ingo Sass; Eva Schill
Source: check_circle

Density and magnetization models for the Acoculco geothermal field by joint 3D inversion

2024-02 | Journal article
Contributors: M.A. Perez-Flores; Jonathan Carrillo; E. Schill; A. Lopéz-Hernández; G. Sosa-Ceballos; N. Cornejo-Triviño; A. Jiménez-Haro; M.E. Boijseauneau-López
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Magnetotelluric phase tensor analysis and its significance for tectonic interpretation: Case studies of the Los Humeros and Acoculco geothermal resources, Mexico

2019-10-09 | Conference poster | Author
Contributors: Ásdís Benediktdóttir; Claudia Arango-Galván; Liotta Domenico; Gylfi Páll-Hersir; Natalia Cornejo-Triviño; Jose Luis Salas; Eva Schill; Sebastian Held
Source: check_circle
Repository KITopen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)