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Serap Uğur holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Computer Education and Instructional Technology and a PhD in Distance Education. She has been working as an academician for more than 20 years. During this time, she has conducted many studies, participated in projects and made publications on the use of technology in the field of education. Uğur has worked on research and development activities and projects in areas such as e-learning content types, digital storytelling, animation, game-based learning, gamification, instructional design, intercultural elements, artificial intelligence, individual differences and human-computer interaction.
She is currently working on design and learning in the fields of virtual reality, augmented reality and metaverse environments, brain-computer interfaces, artificial intelligence, artificial general intelligence, artificial superintelligence, technological singularity and transhumanism.
Between 2002 and 2015, Uğur worked as Application Coordinator and e-Learning Coordinator in the Computer Assisted Education Unit and Learning Technologies R&D Unit. Between 2015-2020, she worked as the Social Media Coordinator of the Open Education System, and between 2019-2022, she worked as the Social Media Coordinator of Anadolu University and Anadolu University Corporate Communication Deputy Coordinator, as well as the Social Media Unit Manager of Anadolu University, the Deputy Coordinator of the Open Education System Internship and Practice Courses, and the Coordinator of the Social Media and Digital Security Education, Research and Application Center. In the special issue of Carrier Beacon magazine, where the world's 50 female education leaders/pioneers were selected in 2021, Uğur was the only woman from Turkey in the entire list and in the 'futurist' category.
She is particularly working on the integration of artificial intelligence and its future versions (AGI and ASI) into education, changes in learning in the process of monological singularity, brain-computer interfaces, brain chips, and new learning structures for transhumans that will develop with body-integrated technologies.
Uğur wants to contribute to humanity by working to predict the future of humanity in the context of technological developments and to ensure that the learning process and education systems are ready for this future.
Employment (7)
Education and qualifications (3)
Works (48)