Personal information
Ming-Huei Cheng, M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.S.
January 3, 2022
• Degree, Position, and Societies
Dr. Ming-Huei Cheng completed his General Surgery and Plastic Surgery residency training at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1997 and finished a combined microsurgical and research fellowship at the Department of Plastic Surgery, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas in 1999. He has been a member of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery since 2003 and an international member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons since 2009. He was promoted to a full Professor at the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, in 2011. He has been an Adjunct Professor at the Division of Plastic Surgery, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI., since 2017.
• Clinical Works
Dr. Cheng started his reconstructive microsurgery career in extremity reconstruction and head and neck reconstruction, then further expanded his surgical expertise to breast reconstruction and lymphedema microsurgery. He is listed among the most sought-after surgeons in the reconstructive microsurgery field around the world. He has completed more than 2,100 cases of reconstructive microsurgery in head and neck reconstructions, right hepatic artery anastomoses, breast reconstructions, extracranial-intracranial bypasses, lymphovenous bypasses, and vascularized lymph node transfers. In 2000, he creatively utilized the distal recipient site for vascularized lymph node flap transfer, pioneered the submental lymph node flap transfer for extremity lymphedema, and conducted clinical research on the mechanisms of vascularized lymph node transfer. Dr. Cheng's unique, innovative techniques have proven to be some of the most effective procedures in treating lymphedema.
• Research, Publications, and Patents
Dr. Cheng has been granted 20 research projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology and 36 projects from Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and has led the Center for Tissue Engineering since 2014. Dr. Cheng has published 254 peer-reviewed papers (62 papers related to lymphedema) and 41 book chapters. He edited the textbooks of Principles and Practice of Lymphedema Surgery. Cheng MH, Chang DW, Patel KM (Editors). Elsevier Inc, Oxford, United Kingdom. (first edition in 2015, and 2nd edition in 2021) and Resection and Reconstruction of Head & Neck Cancers. Cheng MH, Kai-Ping Chang KP, and Kao HK (Editors), Springer, 2019. He wrote a book chapter of “Oral Cavity, Tongue, Mandibular reconstructions in Plastic Surgery, Volume 3rd and 4th editions, Neligan P (Chief editor), Eduardo Rodriguez (Volume editor), Elsevier Inc, Oxford, UK 2017 and 2020. He is the corresponding author of the chapter “Lymphedema: Diagnosis and Treatment” in Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery 8th edition, Kevin Chung, Wolters Kluwer, 2020. There are 8,928 citations of his scholarly work with the h-index of 49 and i10-index of 157 at Google Scholar as of November 23, 2021. ( He has been granted 17 national intellectual patents in Taiwan and three intellectual patents in the US.
• Teaching and Visiting Professorships
Dr. Cheng is a well-known microsurgeon in the international reconstructive microsurgery society. He has received countless invitations to give lectures, present his work, and moderate panels at the most prestigious world conferences. He had trained 107 residents and 125 international fellows and received 1026 international visitors in the past 20 years. Many of his trainees became professors in their institutes after tutelage with Dr. Cheng. To name a few: Drs. Joseph Dayan and Robert Allen Jr. at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Dr. Dung Nguyen at Stanford University, Dr. Ketan Patel at the University of Southern California, Dr. Dhruv Singhal at BIDMC/ Harvard Medical School, Dr. Wei-Fan Chen at Cleveland Clinic, and Olivia Ho at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL. have all successfully practiced the vascularized lymph node transfer technique for their breast cancer-related lymphedema patients. He has been invited as a visiting professor at 31 famous Institutes, including Harvard Medical School, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, New York University Langone Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson Cancer, University of South California, University of Michigan, Stanford University, and the University of Chicago.
• Host International Conferences
Dr. Cheng has championed the collaboration between the Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery (TSPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). His vision is to create learning opportunities for junior doctors and surgeons in Taiwan and connect them with the global medical society through the alliance and partnership with ASPS. In 2009, he hosted the first Asian Symposium for Breast Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery- a platform aimed to advocate breast reconstruction and share the