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Immunology, Tuberculosis, Stem cells, Non tuberculous Mycobacteria, Neonatal Immune response
United States, Colombia


Our laboratory is devoted to investigating the pathogenesis and immune response to mycobacterial species, especially M. tuberculosis, with the main interest in the immune responses induced by vaccines. More recently, our knowledge and expertise evaluating the cellular and molecular immune responses to Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) and additional anti-TB vaccine candidates, is being applied to evaluate novel vaccine candidates and therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2 (causative agent of COVID-19).

In our laboratory, we have the ability to test how effective the immune response is against different clinical strains of bacterial and viral infections. Our goal is to better understand the immune response to different vaccine candidates using multiparametric and transcriptional unbiased analysis of the cells induced after vaccination. We also utilize metabolic profiles, high throughput and histologic methods, and computational tools to evaluate immune responses.