Personal information
Dr. Xiaojuan Qi is currently an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong and a member of the Deep Vision Lab. Her research lies in the broad areas of Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. We aim at endowing machines with the capability to perceive, understand, and reconstruct the visual world with the following focuses: 1) developing label-efficient and computation-efficient deep learning algorithms for natural and medical image analysis; 2) designing effective techniques for 3D scene understanding and reconstruction; and 3) building lifelong learning machines that can learn continuously, transfer previous knowledge and discover novel concepts (through interaction).
She obtained my Ph.D. degree in the Computer Science and Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), supervised by Prof. Jiaya Jia in 2018. Before that, she got the B.Eng. degree in Electronic Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) supervised by Prof. Ya Zhang in 2014.