Personal information
I have about 10 years of teaching and research experiences in pharmacology and toxicology at higher education institutions (both veterinary and medical colleges). As part of my PhD project, I am also well experienced in research involving the impacts of bioactive natural products on gut health in pigs.
During the course of my PhD study and prior work experiences, I gained skills in:
1) wet-lab (DNA extraction, qPCR, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing, in vitro fermentation, flow
cytometry, histology, immunohistochemistry, HPLC)
2) bioinformatics (microbiome analysis using QIIME2)
3) sampling (necropsy, intestinal tissue and content sampling)
4) statistical data analysis (using R, GenStat and SPSS)
5) project management and
6) manuscript writing and publication
7) Teaching
Research interest:
1) I have interest in interdisciplinary research where concepts and methods in pharmacology, nutrition, immunology, and microbiology are integrated to test the impacts of natural bioactive compounds as alternative therapeutic strategies in intestinal disorders such as inflammatory bowel diseases (human) and postweaning diarrhea (pig) as well as respiratory health for both human and animal health applications.
2) Besides studying the impacts of natural products on intestinal and respiratory health, I have also particular interest for research involving mechanistic and safety studies of novel drugs as well as those of currently used drugs where pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), PK-PD modelling and pharmacometrics are applied to establish drugs safety and their mechanism of actions for optimization of therapeutic outcomes.