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Employment (1)

Soochow University School of Business: Taipei, TW

2002-08 to present | Professor (International Business)
Source: Self-asserted source
Fur-Hsing Wen

Education and qualifications (1)

National Chengchi University: Taipei, TW

1997-09 to 2002-01 | ph D (Department of Business Administration)
Source: Self-asserted source
Fur-Hsing Wen

Works (6)

Associations among Health Status, Occupation, and Occupational Injuries or Diseases: A Multi-Level Analysis

2023-01-19 | Journal article
Contributors: Shu-Yuan Su; Yu-Wen Li; Fur-Hsing Wen; Chi-Yu Yao; Jong-Yi Wang
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Factors associated with distinct prognostic‐awareness‐transition patterns over cancer patients’ last 6 months of life

Cancer Medicine
2021-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Chen Hsiu Chen; Fur‐Hsing Wen; Wen‐Chi Chou; Jen‐Shi Chen; Wen‐Cheng Chang; Chia‐Hsun Hsieh; Siew Tzuh Tang
Source: check_circle

Identifying Patterns of Symptom Distress in Pregnant Women: A Pilot Study

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021-06-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Ching-Fang Lee; Fur-Hsing Wen; Yvonne Hsiung; Jian-Pei Huang; Chun-Wei Chang; Hung-Hui Chen
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Hospice Exposure Is Associated With Lower Health Care Expenditures in Taiwanese Cancer Decedents' Last Year of Life: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
2018-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Yen-Ni Hung; Fur-Hsing Wen; Tsang-Wu Liu; Jen-Shi Chen; Siew Tzuh Tang
Source: check_circle

Preferences for Life-Sustaining Treatments Examined by Hidden Markov Modeling Are Mostly Stable in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients' Last Six Months of Life

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
2017-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Siew Tzuh Tang; Fur-Hsing Wen; Wen-Cheng Chang; Chia-Hsun Hsieh; Wen-Chi Chou; Jen-Shi Chen; Ming-Mo Hou
Source: check_circle

Preferences for Life-Sustaining Treatments and Associations With Accurate Prognostic Awareness and Depressive Symptoms in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients' Last Year of Life

Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
2016-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Siew Tzuh Tang; Fur-Hsing Wen; Chia-Hsun Hsieh; Wen-Chi Chou; Wen-Cheng Chang; Jen-Shi Chen; Ming-Chu Chiang
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Acta psychologica. (1)