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Dr. Ramona Pelich received a B.S. degree and an M.S. degree in signal and image processing from both the “Traian Vuia” Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara, Romania and the Institut Mines Télécom, Télécom Bretagne, France, in 2010 and 2012, respectively. She received her Ph.D. degree in remote sensing and image processing from the Institut Mines Télécom, Télécom Bretagne in 2015. Between 2012 and 2015, she was with Collecte Localisation Satellites, France and the Institut Mines Telecom, Télécom Bretagne, working on ship detection and characterization from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery linked with cooperative vessel tracking data. In 2016 she joined the Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg. Her research interests include signal and image processing techniques applied to remote sensing data. The developed scientific algorithms are applied in different fields such as large-scale flood hazard mapping, vessel detection, urban mapping, etc.