Personal information
Maria João Marques Nunes concluded her PhD. in Analytical Chemistry in 2002 at the University of Lisbon, her MSc in Physical Chemistry in 1994 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL), her BSc in Teaching Physics and Chemistry in 2006 at FCUL and her BSc in Technological Chemistry in 1991 at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of FCUL. She is a contracted Researcher by NOVA.ID at LAQV, REQUIMTE at NOVA School of Science and Technology (FCT-NOVA).
-Current Research interests: are in bioanalytical chemistry with development of analytical tools for biomarkers detection (identification and quantification) in health and environmental sciences in the fields of analytical chemistry and sensing. Aims to promote indicators, measurement and assessment for human well-being and inform policy advisors and decision makers for sustainable development.
The three major targets are:
- Human non-invasive sampling for real time biomarkers measurement for in-situ diagnosis
- Climate Change impacts on Ocean water quality and on fish reproduction
- Identification of xenobiotics and biotics in various matrices.
Analytical Chemistry Domain of Specialization:
Various types of matrices using classical and instrumental methods of analysis.
The work in analytical chemistry led to the development, optimization and implementation of analytical methodologies using chromatography (HPLC with detection by UV, DAD, FL, MS and MS/MS; UHPLC with detection by DAD and MS/MS; GC with detection by ECD, NPD, FID, TCD and MS, IC and CE with electrochemical detection), spectrometry (ICP-MS, IR-MS) spectroscopy (SAA, SAAF, SAAGF, ICP-OES, IR), elemental analysis (with SAA and IR detection) and electrochemistry by potentiometry, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV).
This analytical experience was focused in the detailed validation of the measurement procedures, test quality control and evaluation of the measurement uncertainty: Metrology in Chemistry
Note: From 1995 to 2003, and 2009 to 2014 she did classified research work in the behaviour of the Research Institutes not allowed for publication. From January 2004 to December 2006, the scientific activity was interrupted due to lack of post-doctoral fellowships and research funds. Due to Portuguese crisis between September 2014 and April 2018 she gets no funding for working and the scientific activity has been interrupted.
Brief description of biography:
(1) She participated in the ACE-2 Project and conducted her PhD. Thesis in the Joint Research Centre of Ispra, Environment Institute, Italy with the title “Establishment of Chemical Properties of the Aerosol in the North East Atlantic Ocean”.
(2) In the AMABAS Project dedicated to the “Assessment of Atmospheric Chemical Composition” the research in analytical chemistry field was committed to instrumental methods of sampling, extraction, purification and analysis.
(3) As Manager of pH primary laboratory at the Portuguese Institute, set-up the pH primary laboratory, being responsible for the development of primary buffers reference materials and test solutions, National Manager of pH Portuguese Metrological domain and Quality Manager of pH primary laboratory at National and International level.
(4) In INIAV realization of research Projects in the area of agronomic sciences, namely environment and natural resources concerning soil fertility, fertilization and plant nutrition. These activities were also developed regarding the Accreditation of Laboratory and its function as National Reference Laboratory for fertiliser materials and contribution to sectorial support for the of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development. The analytical research was developed at a metrological level and quality management with the development of Reference Materials for the a)nutrient analysis in soil, vegetables and fertilizer materials; and b) the assessment of heavy metals bioavailability in soil and vegetables.
(5) She restarted her scientific activity, as Post-Doc grant holder at FCT NOVA in the behalf of ALGA4FOOD Project being responsible for the set-up of LC-MSMS equipment and developing and implementing methodologies for quantification of xenobiotics and biotics.
(6) Recently, on April 2019, started a research contract by NOVA.ID (FCT NOVA) on STRESSENSE Project being working and/or collaborating in Research Projects in the area of health and environment sciences in the field of bioanalytical chemistry at LAQV, REQUIMTE. Her major tasks were dedicated to methodologies development by LC-MSMS analysis covering identification of quantitative measurement of xenobiotics and biotics and electrochemical sensing for in-situ measurement biomarkers. The research results indicators are in dissemination progress (6 Conference communications and 2 submitted papers).
Employment (12)
Education and qualifications (4)
Funding (2)
Ref. MAR-01.03.01-FEAMP-0016