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Soil Fertility, Soil Microbiology, Crop Physiology, Plant Nutrition, Soil amendments


João W. Bossolani is currently a PhD student in Crop Science at São Paulo State University (UNESP). João did part of his PhD with a sandwich period at the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). His research is based on understanding how the application of soil amendments (Lime and Phosphogypsum) changes soil quality when applied in long-term and how plants respond to these changes. His areas of expertise are Soil fertility, Soil Microbiology, Crop Physiology, and their interactions.


Education and qualifications (4)

Sao Paulo State University: Botucatu, SP, BR

2018-03-03 to present | Doctor Degree (Dep. of Crop Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
João William Bossolani

Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie: Wageningen, Gelderland, NL

2019-12-01 to 2020-09-30 | Doctor Degree (Dep. of Microbial Ecology)
Source: Self-asserted source
João William Bossolani

Sao Paulo State University: Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, BR

2016-07-01 to 2018-02-22 | Master Degree (Dep. of Crop Science, Food Technology and Social Economy)
Source: Self-asserted source
João William Bossolani

Sao Paulo State University: Ilha Solteira, São Paulo, BR

2011-02-28 to 2016-06-09 | Agronomist engineer (Dep. of Crop Science, Food Technology and Social Economy)
Source: Self-asserted source
João William Bossolani

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Journal of soil science and plant nutrition. (1)