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Business Management, Strategic management, data management


Orlando Troisi is Associate Professor in Economics and Business Management at the Department of Political and Communication Science of the University of Salerno. In 2013 he earned the PhD in Economics and Management of Public Companies at the University of Salerno. Currently, he holds three courses at the faculty of Economics and Management: i) Economics and Business Management; ii) Innovation Management for Strategic Decisions; iii) Marketing and International Business.
He presented numerous papers in national and international conferences and participated in the organization of international conferences. He is co-chair and member of the organizing committee of the international conference “Rii Forum- Research and Innovation”. He organized seminars, workshops, study days both in the academic context and for specific national scientific research projects.
He was the Rector's delegate at the Brand and Merchandising of the University of Salerno. He is a member of the Research Evaluation Committee of the Department of Management and Innovation Systems.
Member of Doctoral Programme in “BIG DATA MANAGEMENT” at the Department of Business Sciences - Management and Innovation Systems of the University of Salerno, from 2020. Member of the stage and placement commission of Department DISA (MIS). Scientific Director of the Observatory on the Digital
transition. Author of three monographs (2015, 2017 and 2021) published by Giappichelli and of numerous articles published in national and international journals, including: Industrial Marketing Management, Marketing Theory, Journal of Marketing Management, Computers in Human Behavior, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal Journal of Service Theory and Practice, TQM Journal, Behavior & Information Technology, European Journal of Innovation Management. Ad hoc Reviewer of numerous scientific journals including Marketing Theory, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Journal of Small Business, TQM Journal.
He received two best paper awards at the Toulon Verona Conference (in 2011 and 2014) and two selected papers (i. Sinergie-SIMA 2018 Conference: "Transformative business strategies and new patterns for value creation", Ca 'Foscari University, Venice, 14 -15 June 2018; ii. XXIII Annual Sinergie Conference: “Iscommunication taking over?”, Iulm University, Milan, 10-11 November 2011). In 2018 he received the Best paper award "ICSB Global Entrepreneurship Conference on Social Innovation and Humane Entrepreneurship From Policy To Action", and in the 2019 received the Emerald Literati award for TQM Journal.


Employment (1)

University of Salerno: Fisciano, Salerno, IT

2021-12-20 to present | Associate Professor in Business Management (Dept. of Political and Communication Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
Orlando Troisi

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Salerno: Fisciano, IT

Source: Self-asserted source
Orlando Troisi

Professional activities (1)

british accademy of management: london, BQ

Source: Self-asserted source
Orlando Troisi