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My areas of expertise are Nutritional Epidemiology, Dietary Survey and Dietary patterns. I am AssociateProfessor at and graduate students (MSc and PhD level). I am supervisor for the Nutrition in Public Health Post-Graduate Programme (NPHPGP), with several Masters and PhD students under my direct supervision, developing research that aims to evaluate the food consumption data in the São Paulo population and measurement error in nutritional epidemiology. In addition, I successfully administered the projects (e.g. staffing, research protections, budget), collaborated with other researchers, and produced several peer-reviewed publications from each project. At present I am consultant to the group of Consumer Expenditure Survey (POF 2008-2009), to the Brazilian Ministery of Health, ANVISA (National Agency Food Security – Codex Alimentarius Group) and head of Department of Nutrition, Public Health School/USP (2014-2016).


Employment (1)

Public Health School / University of São Paulo: São Paulo, São Paulo, BR

1996-03-01 to present | Associate Profesor (Nutrition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Regina Fisberg

Education and qualifications (1)

Federal University of São Paulo: São Paulo, São Paulo/SP, BR

1991-06-01 to 1995-06-01 | PhD (Nutrition)
Source: Self-asserted source
Regina Fisberg

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for The lancet. (1)