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Works (15)

Improvement of combined technologies of underground block leaching of metals from out of balance and unconditioned ores

Environmental safety and natural resources
2024-12-26 | Journal article
Contributors: В.І. Ляшенко; Т.В. Дудар; В.П. Стусь; В.А. Шаповалов
Source: check_circle

Обґрунтування ефективності та охорони надр при підземній розробці рудних родовищ традиційними технологіями в комбінації із вилуговуванням металів

Мінеральні ресурси України
2024-07-05 | Journal article
Contributors: V. I. Lyashenko; T. V. Dudar; V. P. Stus; V. A. Shapovalov
Source: check_circle

Pathophysiology of the excretory system in case of general unintentional overheating of the body (scientific and literary review)

2023-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: O.V. Kravets; S.I. Barannik; V.V. Yekhalov; V.P. Stus; M.Yu. Polion
Source: check_circle

Features of the prevalence and incidence of urolithiasis among the adult population of Ukraine in their relationship with the effectiveness of specialized care and social consequences

2023-05-19 | Journal article
Contributors: N.O. Saidakova; О.V. Shulyak; V.P. Stus; S.P. Pasechnikov; A.L. Klius; G.E. Kononova
Source: check_circle

Ukrainian Version of the Acute Cystitis Symptom Score (ACSS) for Diagnostics and Patient-Reported Outcome of Acute Uncomplicated Cystitis. Part I. Linguistic validation and Cognitive assessment

2022-07-05 | Journal article
Contributors: К.Г. Набер; Ж.Ф. Алiджанов; Ю.М. Дехтярь; Р.М. Молчанов; Є.Г. Сонник; С.П. Пасечников; П. Самчук; В.П. Стусь; Н.В. Гавва; І.М. Антонян et al.
Source: check_circle

Western region: features of the incidence and prevalence of chronic cystitis

2022-07-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Н.О. Сайдакова; В.П. Стусь; Н.В. Гавва; В.В. Твердохліб; С.О. Нестерук; А.I. Банадига; В.I. Гродзінський
Source: check_circle

Peculiarities of the disease and prevalence of chronic cystitis among the female population of Ukraine in the regional aspect

Medicni perspektivi
2021-12-20 | Journal article
Contributors: N.O. Saidakova; V.P. Stus; N.V. Havva; V.І. Grodzinsky
Source: check_circle

Emotional burnout syndrome in primary specialization doctors

2021-08-04 | Journal article
Contributors: В.В. Єхалов; О.В. Кравець; В.П. Стусь; М.М. Моісеєнко; Д.М. Станін; Д.А. Кріштафор
Source: check_circle

Epidemiological features of chronic cystitis in the capital megapolis

2021-08-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Н.О. Сайдакова; В.П. Стусь; О.В. Шуляк; Н.В. Гавва; Л.М. Старцева
Source: check_circle

Characteristics of the Incidence and Prevalence of Chronic Cystitis Among the Male Population in Ukraine

Health of Man
2021-06-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Наталія Сайдакова; Віктор Стусь; Наталія Гавва
Source: check_circle

Bladder cfncer: features of epidemiology and indicators of specialized care delivery

Medicni perspektivi (Medical perspectives)
2021-06-18 | Journal article
Contributors: N.O. Saidakova; О.І. Yatsina; V.I. Grodzinsky; V.P. Stus; M.Y. Polion; V.M. Shiloh; G.E. Коnonova
Source: check_circle

Effect of meropenem-vaborbactam vs piperacillin-Tazobactam on clinical cure or improvement and microbial eradication in complicated urinary tract infection the TANGO I randomized clinical trial

JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Kaye, K.S.; Bhowmick, T.; Metallidis, S.; Bleasdale, S.C.; Sagan, O.S.; Stus, V.; Vazquez, J.; Zaitsev, V.; Bidair, M.; Chorvat, E. et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Viktor Stus via Scopus - Elsevier

The role of lead in the etiopathogenesis of male fertility reduction

Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960)
2018 | Journal article


Contributors: Onul, N.M.; Biletska, E.M.; Stus, V.P.; Polion, M.Y.
Source: Self-asserted source
Viktor Stus via Scopus - Elsevier

Axitinib Versus Sorafenib in First-Line Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: Overall Survival From a Randomized Phase III Trial

Clinical Genitourinary Cancer
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Hutson, T.E.; Al-Shukri, S.; Stus, V.P.; Lipatov, O.N.; Shparyk, Y.; Bair, A.H.; Rosbrook, B.; Andrews, G.I.; Vogelzang, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Viktor Stus via Scopus - Elsevier

Axitinib versus sorafenib as first-line therapy in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma: A randomised open-label phase 3 trial

The Lancet Oncology
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Hutson, T.E.; Lesovoy, V.; Al-Shukri, S.; Stus, V.P.; Lipatov, O.N.; Bair, A.H.; Rosbrook, B.; Chen, C.; Kim, S.; Vogelzang, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Viktor Stus via Scopus - Elsevier