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Dr. José M. Martín García is a Associate Scientist in the Department of Crystallography and Structural Biology at the Institute of Physical Chemistry Blas Cabrera (IQF-CSIC) hired through the prestigious grant “Atracción de Talento” of the Comunidad de Madrid. He received his Diploma in Chemistry in 2004 and his PhD in 2010 from the University of Granada in Granada, Spain. Since his PhD, Dr. Martín García was focused on studying protein structures, their interactions, and dynamics, with the goal of structure-based drug discovery using X-ray crystallography at synchrotron radiation sources and X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFELs). Dr. Martín García worked at Arizona State University from 2011 to 2020, where he laid the groundwork for: 1) advancing nano-crystallography as a routine method for growing, diagnosing, and assessing nano- and micro-crystals; 2) developing novel media for sample delivery with viscous jets; 3) developing novel sample delivery methods using microfluidic technology to reduce sample consumption in serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) experiments at XFELs; 4) developing novel software and algorithms to improve existing SFX data processing; 5) Advancing and developing new methodologies to grow protein nano-crystals inside living cells for crystallography at XFELs; and 6) Developing and implementing the serial crystallography technique using the high-viscosity injector at a number of synchrotron beamlines worldwide. Dr. Martín García’s current research interests include: 1) structure and dynamics of macromolecules to study function and mechanisms of proteins, 2) drug discovery science, 3) serial crystallography at synchrotrons sources and X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs), and 4) development of crystallization and sample delivery methods for serial crystallography.
Funding (5)