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Graduated from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), I now serve as an Associate Professor in Dept of Economics and Finance, Hong Kong Shue Yan University (HKSYU). I am also the founder and director of Sustainable Real Estate Research Center, HKSYU and an Adjunct Associate Professor in China-Australia Centre for Sustainable Urban Development, Tianjin University. I first started my academic career as a visiting lecturer in Polytechnic University, then a lecturer, an Assistant Professor and now an Associate Professor in HKSYU. Over the years, I won many local and international awards and grants. I was a recipient of a Fellowship from the US to study the impact of law and culture on China’s housing which offered me a chance to present a paper to Prof Douglass North, Nobel Prize Winner (for his contribution in new institutional economics). I also received the top three presenter award among all the fellowship recipients. I previously served as a visiting research fellow in School of Natural and Built Environment, University of South Australia (ranks 69 for Engineering and Technology in Times Higher Education) from late May to late September 2014 (worked with my host Prof Simon Beecham, current Pro Vice-Chancellor of University of South Australia).