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Stefano Calzati’s academic path spans from cultural and media studies to technology governance and philosophy of technology. Currently, he is researching the managing of urban data from an ecosystemic perspective, with a particular focus on urban digital twinning as a commoning process.
Before joining the Department of Urbanism at TUDelft, Calzati was a postdoc fellow at Tallinn University of Technology (2019-2021) and teaching fellow at Polytechnic Institute of Milan (2018-2020). In Tallinn, his work centred on an investigation of ICTs geopolitics with specific regard to China-Sub Saharan Africa relations. In Milan, he taught classes in “Sociology of Media”, “Digital Cultures” and “Anthropology of Communication”, within the Department of Design.
Previously, Calzati also worked at the City University of Hong Kong (2016), teaching and researching on new media literacies, while he received his PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Leeds (2016), which he joined after having completed a Master by Research in Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam (2012).
Beyond academic articles, Calzati has authored four academic books: two in English – Mediating Travel Writing, Mediated China: the Middle Kingdom in Travel Books and Blogs (2018); Beyond the Genre: Approaching Travel (and) Writing through Interviews with Authors and Bloggers (2018), and two in Italian – Una vita allo schermo: Riflessioni sul cinema da un maestro americano della critica cinematografica (2019) and (De)scrivere la Cina: Voci, testi, mezzi (2020).
Prior to commencing his academic path, Calzati has been a freelance journalist in Italy, the United States, and Australia, as well as an editor for publishing houses in Italy, France and Belgium.
Employment (5)
Education and qualifications (4)
Works (41)